Chapter 5 - Truth

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~Len's POV~

A week and a half have passed since I started going out with Oliver. Needless to say, our relationship is still going strong. Strong enough, that I had planned on not coming back home, just to spend time with Oliver... forever. We haven't done anything...graphic yet, and we didn't really need to... yet. Oliver is still much too young. As much as I'd like to do it now, I don't plan to be separated from him by bars anytime soon. Besides, I still haven't told him about my family.

Every morning since that day had been pretty similar; yet, they all were really exciting for me. Every morning, I'd challenge myself to initiate something new with Oliver, we just started out with plain kissing. A few days later we started french kissing. Every kiss we do would make me go insane, I was just that madly in love with him.

Sadly, I don't get to meet him much after the morning until the sun starts to set, with the exception of Tuesdays. Even after I offered to help him, he would reject my offer kindly and continue to earn money himself.

"Mmn~ Len~" Oliver mumbled in his sleep. He's just so cute, even with the bandages...

"Morning Ollie." I cheerily teased him. I'm not usually the type to wake up early, but Oliver had completely changed that fact about me, seeing him asleep in the morning is just too cute to miss.

"Len? What time is it?" He mumbled, half asleep.

I took a quick glance at the clock, "6:40 AM" I told him.

And with that, he slowly got up as he rubbed his eye. I did the same, then he leaned forward slowly for a kiss.

Our lips met, it was still a wonderful experience, we held the position for a moment before my heart started to ache for more. I slowly made a small opening in my mouth and touched my tongue on his lips, signalling my request. Oliver obliged and let my tongue enter, I didn't have to battle for dominance at all as Oliver would readily submit. My tongue enthusiastically explored every inch of his mouth's interior before Oliver started to pull away, both of us were heavily panting from the kiss.

"I love you, Len!" He said. this was the first time he had initiated it, so I was obviously ecstatic.

"I love you too, Oliver." I replied, assuring him with a hug.

Oliver pulled away to do his morning routine. When he was done, he went into the kitchen to make breakfast. I followed behind him.

"What do you want for breakfast?" He asked me. Although I'm pretty sure he had already known the answer, it was the usual...

"Bananas!" I replied happily. A little too happily. Ever since this world introduced me to that heavenly fruit, I had grown addicted to it. Quite literally.

Oliver giggled quietly and gave me a banana.

"Y'know Len, you should eat other things too. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, you can't just always have only bananas!" Oliver softly lectured me.

"Yes, mommy." I teased, chuckling a little. His completely ignored the comment and went on to cook something.

Curiously, I tried to look over his shoulder from my chair but failed. So, I just waited until he was done. He cooked two dishes.

"Len, this is yours." He told me offering a plate with lots of white meat and vegetables. I looked over to his plate and saw less of the white meat and more vegetables.

"Shouldn't you have more of this... meat, Ollie?" I asked him.

"Nonsense, you look like a bloody skeleton, you should eat more." He said. It was true and I could think of a reason why, I had only eaten bananas for as long as I had been here.

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