Chapter 6 - Choice

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~Oliver's POV~

Everything's black, no matter which way I turn to, it's all pitch black. Am I even turning? Can I even move? I couldn't feel anything, but I know I'm still here.

'Is this death?' I asked myself. Where's afterlife? Where's Len? Why is everything so dark?

I continued to walk; that is, if I was even walking. I started to hear sounds. Are those, words? I walked faster, I knew that whatever I had been doing must have worked. A small tint of light appeared in the far distance, it was really faint. As I walked towards it, it started to grow. I ran into it and...

'What is this place?' I thought to myself. It was a large rectangular room with an opening on two of the sides. An old man stood in the middle. But that wasn't all. My bandages had disappeared! I can see with my left eye now.

I looked around the room, I saw boys and girls with white feathered wings flying around, they were wearing some sort of white clothing which was almost see-through. The other person beside them was the old man, he was in a grey-green robe of some sort.

"W-Who are you?" I asked the old man curiously.

"You have been a good child I take it?" He asked me, raising his right eyebrow.

"U-umm... y-yes?" I tried to answer. Who is this weird man? What is this place? Is this the afterlife?

"Good. I know all about you. Your family lives in house AS243ZG18EXB2, they have been notified of your arrival." He said in a typical old man's voice. House what? I couldn't quite get that, how many houses are there in this place? And what's with the weird names?

"I-I'm sorry, could y-you repeat that again please?" I asked him. It wasn't my fault I couldn't remember that, who could remember such a random bunch of letters and numbers?

"Don't worry about that, little one. Iroha here will show you the way." I gulped.

As I looked around once more, I saw what I had been looking for... Len!   He looked slightly different, with sharper nails and fangs and small dark red horns, but he was Len nonetheless. He was shirtless too, I drooled at the sight of his upper body, he is so hot. I shifted my gaze down a little. He was wearing nothing but some sort of underwear I had never seen before. It's- okay Oliver, you need to stop before- argh never mind!

"Hey, Len!" I shouted happily, running towards my boyfriend.

"Hey, Ollie!" He replied, stretching his arms out a little for a hug. I happily hugged him. My face landed on his chest. I blushed heavily, but hid it quickly by burying it on Len's chest. Which somehow made me blush harder.

~Len' POV~

It took a while, but I got here. To Unity Hall where Oliver would be. As I entered the room, my eyes were immediately on Oliver, who was speaking the the wise old man. No kidding, thats what we all call him, his job was to know and report everything... and to guide newcomers. Oliver looked slightly different. His bandages were no more. He turned to look at me. His left eye was finally revealed, it was a mysterious red colour complimenting his right amber eye. They're beautiful...

Oliver noticed me. He started to run towards me, calling me happily. "Hey, Len!"

"Hey, Oliver!" I replied, offering a hug.

He took it happily and dug his face onto my chest as it beat uncontrollably.

"Welcome to the afterlife" I chuckled. At least now we can truly be together forever, right?

"Oliver" the red-haired angel spoke. "Are you ready to go?" Go? Right, I hadn't thought about that. I hadn't thought about the possibility of Oliver going to the other side.

"I-I..." He stuttered, pulling out of the hug. He started to tear a little.

"Your family is waiting for you." The angel told him. His family? That's right, they're here too...

But... I don't want Oliver to leave, I don't want us to be separated. I want us to be together. I want him to come with me! I held his arm tightly. He responded by holding mine.

Oliver closed his eyes and focused for a while... "I-I... d-don't want to g-go!" He finally spoke. He leaped onto my chest again, hugging me tight. "I want to stay with Len!"

I weakly wrapped my arms around him, shocked by what he said.

"I love you" I whispered to him so that only he could hear it.

"I love you too." He whispered back.

"Ahem... Oliver," The old man spoke in a mysterious and authoritative tone. "Are you sure about this? Once you enter their realm, you won't be able to visit your family again."

Oliver hesitated. "I-I..." does Oliver really want to come with me? Will Oliver really be happy, separated from his family, forced to live in a hellish place that is my home for near eternity. "I'm sure!"

"Then so be it, L-"

"NO!" I shouted.

"Oliver, you should go to your family." I told him. He was... crying?

"I want to stay with you, Len. Forever." He spoke between his sobs

"Ollie... you'll be happier there. You need your family. They need you too."

"I want you to be my family!" He replied. What he said struck me right at my heart. Those words were... beautiful.

"Oliver, how about this: you go and meet your family, then you decide." I offered him. I just wanted to be sure that he wouldn't regret this decision. Because if he regrets it, I would regret it.

~Oliver's POV~

I nodded hesitantly.

"Great, now come with me." The angel named Iroha said, I don't think she's too happy about this.

I gave Len a final kiss, it lasted a good while before I had to leave. I can't look back now, that would make me want him more. Right now, I just feel... hurt.

Iroha guided me to my new home. It was a painstakingly long walk, one that took at least 5 hours of continuous walking. The scenery was beautiful though, so I didn't mind it as much. The white clouds under the yellow sunlight were just pleasant to look at. Clouds are more beautiful from above than below, especially with the light yellow sunlight... I'm rambling now aren't I? Well the point is, now I'm in front of my new home, about to finally meet my family again.

I twisted the golden handle on the dark wooden door and pushed it open.

"I'm home!"

~Len's POV~

This is it. I'm back. After two months away from this wretched place I used to call home. After I had convinced myself to never come back. I'm here, standing right before it. The fear of what I'd have to do engulfed me.

I took a deep breath and stepped in.

"Aah, welcome home, my son!" My father smiled devilishly as he sat on his throne.

"Lenny, you're back!" My twin sister, Rin, exclaimed. I grew slightly suspicious as me and Rin didn't usually get along too well.

"What brings you home so early?" My father asked me, it wasn't as much as a request for an answer as it was a demand.

"I'll do it, father." I said plainly, I didn't want to do this, but this is the only way I'd get to have a chance to see Oliver again.

"So you finally understand what it means to be the heir of the demon realm?" He asked again.

"Yes, father" that was a complete lie, but what bad things could lying possibly do when you are already in hell.

"Good, but we shall delay our plans for your first task. We must celebrate your homecoming with a feast!" He shouted the last sentence. A feast? Sigh... I used to love these...

Aah how was it?
Lots of pov changes this chapter o.o hope they aren't too annoying.

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