Chapter 7 - Families

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~Oliver's POV~

My new home... I looked around, the whole room smelled of tea. it had a few similarities to our old one, but it's definitely a bit bigger. The main room had the entrance and a large glass door on the other side, leading to some garden. It had two doors and each side leading to rooms I have yet seen.

"Oliver!" The first to react was my big brother, Yohio. He leapt at me, crashing both of us down onto the floor.

"Great to see you again, Yohio." I chuckled a little. He hasn't changed since then.

"Oliver, what happened?" My mom asked me, probably questioning how I got here so quickly. I can't really lie anymore, she would freak out if I said I got into another little accident and somehow died that way. She'd ban me from ever going out of the house or something.

"Come on, I'll show you around your new house!" He exclaimed happily. What has gotten into him?

"I'll tell you later" I told my mom before going off to the room Yohio was pointing to, which as on my left.

"This is your room." He told me as we entered a moderately sized room similar to my old one. With all my stuff too! How did they get here?

"My room is just next door. Mom and dad are in the left room on the other side. The right one is for the kitchen and the dining room." He told me.

I nodded slowly.

We left my room and headed back towards the living room.

"There isn't really much to show, is there." I chuckled at the mere length of that tour.

"Not really" Yohio replied, scratching his left arm.

"Will you tell me what happened to you, now?" Mom asked.

"U-um okay," I said. Everyone had their eyes on me. Even though they were all my family, the pressure was still too high for my liking. I gathered up the little confidence I had in me and started.

"...then they found me and well... killed me," I explained, leaving out Len, just because I don't think I'm ready to tell them about us yet. It felt weird to say that last part.

Everyone nodded.

"What did you run away from?" Yohio asked. Oops, maybe I should've left that out too.

"Oh it was nothing" I answered in my calmest tone.

"Okay," Yohio said slowly, probably contemplating whether or not he should believe me.

The day passed by quite normally. If there is something I've learned about this place is that you don't need money to buy food. You can literally just go to the nearby convenience store and grab whatever you want. Definitely more convenient than the 'convenience stores' back at home.

The day had quickly passed. The sky was turning a brilliant orange which reflected off the white clouds to give the heavenly scenery I saw yesterday.

"Oli, wanna play some games just like the good ol' times?" Yohio said. I chuckled at his accent. Not in a mean way. It's just that he's always had a different one. Being raised in a city in England that doesn't get much tourism, it is impossible to pinpoint where he got it. Not even he knows.

"Yeah!" I answered. Walking into my room.

"What do you want to play?" I asked him.

"How about Mario Kart?" Mario Kart? That reminded me of the first day I met Len, and all the times we've played that game together since. He was never able to get any better than 8th place, but we had fun nonetheless.


"O-oh right, sorry." I turned on the Wii and inserted the disc. The opening played and I clicked on the 'A' button.

"Oliver" Yohio started

"What is it?" I asked

"Who's Len?" Bloody hell! I forgot that he made his own save. Now what should I tell Yohio? Should I tell him about us? How will he react?


Yohio stared at me curiously. Stop staring! I don't like the pressure.

"M-my.. my boyfriend!" My face went tomato red. I couldn't see it, but I could feel it heat up rapidly.

Yohio shook in disbelief. But once it set in, he started to smirk. Oh no.

"Have you done the 'rumpy-pumpy' yet?" He smirked.

"Wh-wha no!" My face flushed redder than before, if that was even possible.

"Heheh just joking Ollie." He chuckled. It was hard to believe though, knowing my brother.

~Len's POV~

I locked myself in my room. Lying on the bed on the corner by the window. Thinking of him...

"Len, you should really get out more!" Rin called. She never really cared before. Why now?

I ignored her and looked out the window. It was the usual sight, red sand covering the entire landmass, lava flowing in the rivers. With the occasional torture. Something I grew to hate while I never knew why. It always occurred to me that torture doesn't seem right. It wasn't a very popular opinion among my family though. Especially not my father.

"Len!" She called again. What's with her since I got back? I waved my hand outwards to unlock the door. Yes, we have magic. No, I'm not good at it. She opened the door and walked in.

"What is it?" I asked in a bored tone.

"Just thought I'd give my little brother a visit. y'know." She said casually, sitting on the bed.

"Just by a few minutes" I pointed out quietly.

"Out with it, Rin. You never cared before, why do you care now?"

"I just thought I could be a better a sister." She said. I don't believe this. But there's no point in forcing it, so I didn't question her further.

"Tell me, how was it on earth?"

"It was good."

"What do you mean 'it was good?'"

"I meant: It's a nice place."

"Then why did you come back?"

"I told you Rin, I'm willing to do it now."

"What made you come back?" Why is she so pushy?

"I just missed my family." Another complete lie, just like my line before this.

She stopped, she can't push me further, not when she lied about basically the same thing to me a few minutes ago.

I got up and walked downstairs, leaving Rin in my room. On my way down, I saw a few other demons walking or flying down the hallway below.

"Ah, your majesty, welcome back. We will make sure that the feast tonight will be to your satisfaction." Kaito bowed. He's my caretaker when I was little. He's the only one I could trust in this entire castle. Both of which are why he probably already knows why I'm back here.

"U-uh yeah.." I replied unenthusiastically.

"Don't worry, Len. I know." He whispered, winking. Why does he have to know everything about me...

~Oliver's POV~

"Ah, I lost." Something's wrong. I can't seem to win as I used to. I am trying my best, so why?

"Ollie, this isn't like you. The usual you'd never lose to the CPU players."

"..." he's right. I'm not trying to brag here but something's definitely different with me since-

"Are you okay?"

"Y-yeah. C'mon, let's play again." I said, holding up my controller.

"O... okay"

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