Chapter 1 - Tragedy

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~Oliver's PoV~

"Oliver, what happened?!" My mother asked, surprised, "Yesterday, it was your left eye, and now this?"

My left leg was torn open, revealing the flesh beneath. Luckily, she was a doctor... or 'healer' as she would put it. She immediately got her medical kit out and treated my injured leg...

"Eep!" I shouted in pain as my mom disinfected the wound.

"Don't move!" She sternly replied to my reflex. Then she continued to talk, "what happened to you?"

"It was nothing, mom. I just fell on my way home from school." I replied, my eyes averting from hers. My parents had enough to worry about, I didn't want to add to it.

'this makes it 3' I silently thought to myself. It was my left eye last week, and my right thigh got injured last month.

"You should get some rest"

I nodded and slowly made my way into my room which was just ten and a few steps away. with my mom's help, of course.

A few minutes passed with me lying on my bed inside my dimly lit room, talking to my only friend, James, an American goldfinch I had taken care for since it was a tiny chick.

"Do... do you think I should tell them?" I asked him slowly, tidying his feathers as I do every day.


Of course, he wouldn't be able to answer me properly, as much as I wished I could speak bird. The most I could get were a few chirps. Not that I...


I flinched

Curious, I slowly crept along my room's yellow walls to peek through a small crack I had found merely a few weeks ago. Through it, I was able to see two robed strangers leaving the house. A feeling of unease swept through me, I rushed to the living room, ignoring the wound on my leg, to see what had happened.

~Normal PoV~

"I-It can't be" Oliver slowly muttered in disbelief. Slowly advancing to his now dead parents, they had been shot in the head.

Oliver's knees weakened. tears start to fall from his one good eye. He stuttered incoherently in disbelief.

'Where do I go now?' He quietly thought to himself as tears continue to fall from his right eye.

"Why would anyone do this?" He almost shouted, "It's not fair... nobody else has to deal with problems like this in their lives, why should I?"

He hammered the wall nearest to him with his fist as his tears continued to fall. All the images of the good times he had with them quickly flashed through his head. His family, all who he cared for, all who had cared for him, had gone... or at least almost all of them, he quickly remembered James, his pet bird. it made a few chirping noises before it landed on Oliver's right shoulder.

"I guess you're the only one I have left, huh?" he said in a lower than normal tone, his eye barely looking at the finch.

This chapter's too short IMHO
Heck, Its barely 500 words long.
The next one is much longer though, I promise.

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