Chapter 8 - Reunion

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~Oliver's POV~

Left... right... jump! I lost... again.

"Are you sure you're alright, Oliver?" Yohio asked me

"Yeah. I'm probably just sleepy is all." I said in a low tone. It was partially true, I hadn't slept since I got here. But what has been on my mind was Len. All the fun times we had playing. All the romantic moments we had together. Being separated from him... it hurts.

"Mmmm alright then. Good night then?" He said, standing up and switching off the Wii.

"Good night..." I said sleepily before putting my remote on the shelf and walking straight to bed.

Yohio left the room and now it's just me in the darkness of my own room. Thoughts of Len reappeared as I closed my eyes. Len... I'm coming...


I opened my eyes. Rays of light pierced through my blinders. It's morning. I got out of bed and walked out of the house for fresh air, then I began to plan my escape.

As I pondered in the fluffy white clouds, a lone, green-haired angel flew overhead.

"U-um, excuse me." I tried to get her attention.

"Yes?" She answered.

"I u-uhh... never mind." I said as I lost confidence. She wouldn't possibly tell me. What if she reports it to my parents?

"What is it?" She asked insistently.

"W-where's... h-how can one g-get to the other r-realm?" I tried to ask, I was a complete mess, stuttering almost every word.

"Here, come with me." She plainly said. No opposition? I followed her on foot as she guided me through to the point where the clouds meet the red sand.

I gulped at the sight of the other side.

"This is it," she told me, "but remember, once you step through, you won't easily be able to get back."

"I-I know..." I stuttered. Do I really want to go there? I look back at the alternative. I can't be happy without him...

I took a deep breath and stepped forward onto the border.

"Good luck with your choice." She told me before she left to presumably tell my family.

I walked into the red sand. The temperature suddenly spiked by at least a couple degrees, the clouds rushed away at sonic speed, leaving behind more red sand.

I turned my head to look around, there wasn't anything to indicate where Len could be. No civilisations could be seen from where I was standing. I started walking in the direction I was facing, hoping it would lead me somewhere.

Time passed, steps accumulated; and honestly, my feet are starting to hurt. I still couldn't get any indication of where Len could be. Or anyone for that matter.

"You're new here aren't you?" A deep voice asked from behind me. "I can tell, you smell like you're not from here."

"U-uhh, y-yeah." I answered, looking at him. His clothing was similar to Len's... that is, barely any. Who is this? Should I be scared?

Fire erupted from the sand, trapping me in with the stranger. He slowly walked in towards me... what should I do?!

Since I'm dead, surely, fire wouldn't hurt... right? I backed away and turned to run into the fire, hoping to escape without harm.

"Owwww!" I screamed as I went through the flames. It hurt... a lot.

"You're not too smart are you?" He smiled as he approached me.

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