**Chapter Six**

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"Previously on Seulrene: Our Love Story Chapter Four!"

{2 Hours Later}

Everyone eventually left. The catering people cleaned up and left. Seulgi went to her room and laid down. Irene was in the shower thinking about what Wendy said to her. After a couple of moments Irene came out and looked at Seulgi.

"Actually you know something Irene? You actually deserved what Wendy said to you, and honestly I'm on her side this time."

"Are you serious right now!?"

"Yes I am! I told you not to be so rude to her. But no, you wanted to be all bitchy towards her. But you didn't listen so.... karma is a real bitch especially towards you right now."

With those words Seulgi laid down and went to sleep. Irene got into bed as well and they slept with their backs towards each other. Just then Seulgi got a call from Wendy. She picked it up and went out of the room and talked to her. Leaving Irene a little pissed, a little scared, and a little sad because of the events that happened today.

{Present Day}

While Seulgi is in the hall talking to Wendy, Irene just sits there and thinks mo about how sh has treated Wendy all of these years. But can you really blame her? She never really spent much time with Seulgi because if Wendy. Anyways while she lays in bed thinking, Seulgi walks back into the room.

"Look Irene, I understand why you don't like Wendy very much because the outburst you had at school that day but, it does t mean you should hate her forever."

"I mean she did apologize to you for taking me away from you so much because she didn't realize that is what she was doing."

"She honestly just wants you to like her, that is why she bought you that Louis Vuitton bag and matching wallet. But since you were rude she didn't let you keep it and took it back to return to get her money back."

"I love you, I really do but I can't accept you for how you treat my best friend like that. It's very childish and not called for, for you to be acting like this."

"You know what, Seulgi? You don't know it feels because you've never been put in such a position. Maybe if I spend all my time with Joy and not pay any attention to you and make you cancel everyday plans, you would know how it feels."

"See that's your problem right there. You won't be positive about what I'm trying to tell you. You're just way too stuck up and bitchy to realize it. But do whatever you want, I don't care anymore."

With those last words Seulgi went to sleep. Irene in the other hand just lays down with no emotions at all as fell asleep as well.

{The Next Morning~ Seulgi POV}

I woke up to the sound of my alarm ringing in my ear. I hit the button and climbed out of bed. I entered the bathroom and took a quick shower. When I got out I got dressed in my work outfit for today.

I looked toward the bed to see Irene still sleeping so I put on my shoes, grabbed my phones, and purse and went downstairs

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I looked toward the bed to see Irene still sleeping so I put on my shoes, grabbed my phones, and purse and went downstairs. I went to the kitchen and grabbed me a muffin out the cake display.

I made my coffee, grabbed my keys, and walked out the front door and locked it. Got in my car and called Wendy. Hope she is up and ready.


"Hey Wendy it's Seulgi!"

"What's up?"

"Do you need a ride to work since it's on my way?"

"Sure! I could use a ride, I'm getting dressed now, see you in a few minutes."

"Great! See you in a few minutes be ready and be outside okay?"

"Yes Ma'am!"

"Okay, bye."


I hung up and started driving to Wendy's house. You see Wendy is also very rich as well. She owns seven different places. She owns two flowers shops across the city, two Internet Cafés, two restaurants, and a decorating service building.

Today she has to go to one of the two cafés because she has to meet with the health inspector and has to do interviews with upcoming employees. The best part is that if someone is in desperate need of a job she will give it them because she is that nice.

She is the second most known person in Seoul. The first person being myself. It's because she is so nice to every single person that she meets and helps them out through hard times.

After a few minutes I pull up to her house and see her in formal, cute, respectful outfit. She knows how to dress and she also loves fashion.

 She knows how to dress and she also loves fashion

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She gets into the car and we hug each other. We put on a song by this girl group named (G)I-DLE called Señorita. While jamming we didn't realize we already arrived at her café. She thanked me and got out the car.

"Hey, do need a ride home? I'm getting off early around 7:30?"

"Sure! I'll see you at 7:30, but I have to close so it'll be about 8:00 when I get done locking up, okay?"

"Alright bye!"


With that I drove off to my company. This is gonna be along day. I have meetings on top of meetings on top of meetings. A CEO's job is never done. But I enjoy the challenge. Even if things get complicated I won't give up.

How did you guys like this chapter? Let me know in the comments, and thanks for all 1.02k reads on this story! I appreciate it. Love you guys! Till next time bye!!💕💋😊

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