Flashback TimeIrene POV
I woke up at the sound of my alarm ringing in my ear. I groaned and got out of bed and took a shower. I'm so lucky this is my last year of high school. I did my makeup, put on my clothes and did my hair.
Now that I am dressed and ready, I still have an hour before school starts so I will finish up some homework and eat breakfast. While I'm eating I get a call on my phone. I look at the caller ID to see who it is.
"야 자기야!"
"이슬기! 무슨 일이야?"
"학교에 타야합니까?"
"음 ..... 확실해!"
"좋아! 15 분 후에 집에있을거야. 알았지?"
"좋아! 그때 봐! 안녕, 사랑해!"
"나도 사랑해!"
I love her so much! She always know how to brighten my day! That is the power of having a girlfriend named Kang Seulgi. I cleaned up from breakfast and gathered everything I need for school.
I walked out of my house and locked the door. I sat on my front steps waiting for Seul to arrive. About five minutes later I hear a car honk and look up to see my baby. I got in the car and giver her a simple but quick kiss.
(A/N: If you are wondering but probably don't care, this is what Seulgi is wearing as well.)
I Love You (Discontinued)
Kort verhaalnoun. a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person. a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, as for a parent, child, or friend. sexual passion or desire.