//Chapter Two//

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A/N: Would it hurt to ask for a couple of votes on my stories? I don't think it would but whatever.🙄🥺

The Next Morning

Irene woke up to see that Seulgi is once again not here. She started feeling sad, but that changed when she heard the bathroom door open. It was Seulgi. She ran to her and jumped on her and hugged Seulgi really tightly. She looked up at her and gave her a nice long passionate kiss on the lips.

"I see someone is happy to see me."

"I am actually. But don't you have work today or something?"

"No because I told my employees that I won't be coming in today because since it is your birthday, I wanted to spend the day with you."

"My birthday?"

"Yeah remember? March 29th?"

"I totally forgot!"

"Well I didn't!"

"Really? You remember my birthday, but you can't remember our anniversary?"

Irene let go of Seulgi and got out of her hold. She just sat on the bed looking at Seulgi.

"Irene come on! I told you I was sorry. How many more times do I have to say it!?"

"You know what? Just forget it!"

With those words Irene left the room with a slam of the door. As for seulgi she just put on her clothes, grabbed her keys, and went downstairs. She saw Irene in the kitchen eating.

Seulgi did not pay any attention to Irene and went towards the fridge. She pulled out some yougurt, granola, strawberries, milk, and blueberries to make a smoothie.

When she was done with the smoothie she put it in her special smoothie glass and left the house. She then went to the garage to pick a car.

She got in her car and drove to the store to run some errands. Since it was Irene's birthday.

It didn't how much of an argument they were in. She would still give her baby a good birthday. She first arrived at the bakery in Seoul.

(A/N: I think this bakery I'm talking about is a real bakery somewhere in South Korea called Paris Croissant. I'm not sure? If it is comment on this chapter😁)

Anyways she walked into the bakery and was immediately greeted by all the staff. The reason for this is because one that is what they are supposed to do.

Two because she goes there often, and three she is the most known person in South Korea.She walked up to the counter and greeted the cashier.

"안녕하세요, 오늘 무엇을 드릴까요?"

(A/N: Hopefully you guys can read Korean writing because there will be parts of it through each chapter starting with this one.😁)

"Hello auntie! 지난 밤에 전화 한 주문을 받으러 왔습니다?"

"Ah yes the birthday cake?"

"Yes ma'am!"

"Okay dear 몇 분만 기다리면 얻을 수 있습니다 ready for you in no time!"

"Okay, 감사합니다 Auntie"

"I'll be right back"

With that she went into the back to go get the cake. Seulgi just sat there on her phone waiting. She soon looked up and saw someone familiar.

'Is that Wendy?' She thought you herself.

The girl turned around and it was Wendy. Seulgi went up to her and tapped her shoulder.


"Who are you?"

"It's me Seulgi from High School! How are you?"

"Oh Seulgi! I'm good how are you?

"I'm good!"

"So how have you been?"

"나는 위대했다. 내 여자 친구 생일이기 때문에 케이크를 사러 왔어요! 여기서 뭐 해요? "


"Yeah, Irene! You remember her right?"

"I do but-."

"오늘은 그녀의 생일이며 그녀에게 깜짝 파티를 열었습니다! 당신은 무엇을 말합니까?"

"I'm not really sure that Irene really likes me, so no thank you."

"Please! If you come just bring her a present."

"But what would I even get her?"

"There are two things she really wants in this world and that is to get married and a Louis Vuitton bag with a matching wallet."

"Well obviously I can't marry her because you are supposed to do that. But I can get her the LV set."

"큰! 나는 그녀를 아는 사람들에게 그녀를 위해 그것을 얻지 말라고 말할 것입니다. 그것은 당신에게서 특별한 무언가 일 수도 있고 어쩌면 당신은 친구가 될 수도 있습니다. 그런데 당신이 올 때 선물에 이름을 쓰지 마십시오."

"Why not?"

"Let her figure it out herself."

"Okay!" By the way is your number still the same or did you change it?"

"I changed it, but here I'll give it to you!"

"Cool, what is it?"

"It's 919- 743-****"

"Thanks Seulgi, I gtg later!"

"Later and text me around 2:00 and I'll send you a picture of the LV set so you can go get it and have it ready for tonight."

"Okay! What time does the party start?"

"It will start at 9:30!"

"Okay bye!"


With that Wendy left the bakery. Seulgi finally got the cake for Irene's birthday party.

After she got the cake she said goodbye to the staff and left the bakery

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After she got the cake she said goodbye to the staff and left the bakery.

A/N: This chapter was longer than I expected. Comment if I should keep making making them short chapters or make them longer. The choice is yours.


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