This is a Mess™, Enter: Shinso

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It was the first day back from the sports festival and Shoto was the first in the classroom as always, surprisingly though, it wasn't the usual Iida or Mineta who came in next. Shoto watched in mild confusion as Midoriya stumbled into the classroom looking like he hadn't slept in days. His dead eyes met Shoto's and Midoriya shambled over to him before dropping into Shoto's lap and curling up against his left side, falling asleep almost instantly.

While surprised, Shoto wasn't going to push him away or wake him up, and sat awkwardly with an arm around the green-haired boy to make sure he didn't fall. When Iida came, customary greeting-shout on his lips, Shoto shot him a icy look and he shut his mouth with a snap.

Walking over to them carefully, Shoto could already see Iida wondering why Midoriya was sleeping on Shoto in class. It was disrespectful to their teachers and fellow students to do so, and sleeping on a fellow classmate who is obviously feeling uncomfortable with it is rude. Iida opened his mouth, probably to say something along those lines, but closed it yet again when Shoto shot him another look. It was then that Bakugo, Kirishima, Kaminari, Sero and Ashido walked though the door, loud as usual.

Iida and Shoto both looked at Midoriya in worry, but he didn't even stir. He must really be tired. There was a loud squeal and then Ashido was right next to them, cooing over Midoriya. Uraraka came in next and honed in immediately on them, cooing with Ashido over the sleeping boy within seconds of opening the door. Everyone came in quickly after that, and with five seconds left until class started, Mineta was the only one not in the room.

Iida yelled for everyone to get to their seats and those gathered around Shoto's desk reluctantly did so. Aizawa slumped in seconds later, took one look at everyone and promptly decided that he couldn't be bothered to deal with them today. "Todoroki, is he going to be a problem for you?"

Shoto shook his head and Aizawa sighed, "as some of you may have noticed, Mineta is not in class today." He waited for everyone's sneers to fade and spoke deliberately, "he is no longer in this class due to his poor showing at the sports festival." He waited yet again for the cheers to die down before continuing and motioning toward the open door, "your new classmate is here. I expect you to help him if he needs it and if I hear of any discrimination or bullying, we will be having words."

A tall boy with eyebags to rival Aizawa's and gravity defying purple hair walked in with a smirk. Shoto's first thought it that he's Aizawa's child. "I'm Shinso Hitoshi."

Well, damn. Love child then. Shoto thought when his first assumption was shot down immediately.

Midoriya shot up straight with a large beaming smile, "best purple boi!"

Shinso smiled back, "thanks Izu."

Midoriya gave a happy hum and fell right back asleep against Shoto. Aizawa directed Shinso to Mineta's old seat, behind Midoriya's and diagonal to Shoto's. With that completed, Aizawa tells them about internships and Midnight comes to help them pick their hero names.

It goes pretty smoothly, until Bakugo blows up, then it's down to Iida, Shinso, Midoriya, Shoto, and Bakugo. Iida goes to stand up, but suddenly Midoriya is in his lap, still sleeping peacefully. Everyone but Bakugo and Shinso looks shocked at the sudden action. They turn to Shoto in unison, "did you see him move?" Shoto shakes his head and Bakugo scoffs, "fucking Deku."

Bakugo stands again shooting a burning glare at Midoriya and everyone's prepared for another variation of King/Lord Explosion Murder only to be surprised by his loud exclamation of "GROUND ZERO!"

"NO-oh," Midnight looks even more surprised than the students but smiles, "that's a good one kid! I like it!"

Bakugo scoffs and sits back in his seat as Shinso goes up to the front, displaying his board with 'Slate' on it. Midnight hesitates and Shinso fills in before she can say anything, "it has personal significance, I also don't want to give my quirk away as I'm going to go Underground."

She still hesitates but nods and Shoto looks down at his board, only to be surprised that his 'Shoto' was erased and 'FreezerBurn, FrostFire, IcyHot, Ice Phoenix, Triumph, Creamer' was written instead. He stared, then glanced over at Midoriya who was asleep on Iida and gave a little smile. Shoto wiped 'Creamer' off because he didn't understand it and studied the rest, before he could do anything though, Iida got up.

Shoto looked around for Midoriya and found him in Shinso's lap instead, but one eye was peaked open and he twitched his fingers in a 'come here' motion. Shoto looked back at his board before grabbing it and standing next to them. Shinso looked up at him bored and Shoto put his board on the table for them to see, Midoriya smiled gently as Iida announced his name to be "the Rapid Hero: Imperium, thank you for the suggestion Midoriya." He went ignored by most of the class who had starting watching Shoto since he got up.

Shinso grinned, "I see Izu got to you too. Which do you like?"

Shoto blinked, "all of them. Except creamer, I didn't understand it."

"Cuz' Kacchan calls you half-and-half."

Shoto blinked again at the cozy looking ball of a human, "what does that have to do with creamer?"

"Half-and-half is another type of creamer." Shinso told him with a grin, "it's funny, no-one but the class would get it. Cute Izu."

Midoriya hummed, "Triumph because you're better than Endeawhore."

There was a lull in the class because he said that just loud enough to be heard by everyone and Shoto grinned at him before saying dryly, "I'd rather not be associated with that man, thanks."

Aizawa sat abruptly up from where he was cocooned in his sleeping bag and gave a dry, "should I be concerned, Todoroki?"

Shoto shared a look with Midoriya that did not go unnoticed by the rest of the room before saying vaguely, "no, it's being handled."

Aizawa squinted at them before saying, "don't make me bail you out of jail."

They nod and he goes back to sleep as Shinso says, "you can have a class poll if you're not sure which name to pick. Izu gave you quite a few good choices."

Izu nods in agreement and then quickly writes down something on Shinso's board before holding it up, "I'm gonna be Deku!"

"Are you sure?" Midnight and half the class ask.

"Yeah! I liked how Uraraka explained it."

The class looked apprehensive while Bakugo was setting off mini explosions, but Midnight just shrugged, "well, if you like it, just remember, it might be hard to change it later on."

They turn to Shoto, the only one who hasn't gone yet, and he shrugs, walking up to the podium and showing his board, "I'd like the class to vote for their favorite."

Iida counted the classes votes and announced that FreezerBurn had won followed closely by IcyHot. Midoriya clapped along with most of the class from where he was still half dozing on Shinso. And class passed fast after that, Midoriya alternating between Shoto and Shinso to sleep on, not that either minded suddenly having a very warm sleepy boy in their laps while trying to take notes, not distracting at all.

~AN~ Yes, that is my art, if you'd like to show me your own fanart, you can post it to the discord server with this code: ZVGSw55

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