A very confused Class & A very content Eraser

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When class started, Midoriya wasn't even in class, and neither was Aizawa. Iida and Uraraka went to the teachers lounge to find out where Aizawa at least was and found both their missing people sleeping on the couch, Mic, Midnight, and that blonde skeleton dude they keep seeing but have know idea who it is taking pictures of them and quietly fangirling. Snipe looks at them with pity, "you've no homeroom today. Please don't destroy the school."

And with that, they walk back to the classroom, only to find Midoriya laying across Ojiro's tail, hand calmly petting the soft hair at the end. Iida starts, "ho-how? Midoriya-san! You were just in the teacher's lounge!"

Midoriya blinks at them and shrugs. Kaminari answers instead, "Iida, man, he's been here for like a whole minute."

They look back at Midoriya, but he's since moved over to Shoji asking, "do six arms hug better than two?"

Shoji blinked at the question, but opened his arms in invitation and almost immediately, he had an excited bundle of green wrapped in his arms. Midoriya hums and snuggles deeper into his hold, "they do."

Aizawa walks in and drags Midoriya back out, calling back to the class, "free period. Don't kill anyone."

If they spent the next three lessons sleeping on the lounge's couch, both snuggled in Aizawa's sleeping bag, no one but the teachers had to know.

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