Teachers React to being called Dad/Mom

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Recovery Girl was actually the first teacher at UA to be called a parental name by Izu (of course, it happened while he was concussed and tired from her quirk, but it still counts), as she has bragged many times in the staff group chat. He passed out right after his weak, 'thanks, grandma', so he didn't notice her soft smile or feel her pat his hand in response.

All Might was next, he was halfway through a quirk dissection, rambling away about Hawks, when Yagi used a napkin to wipe off whipped cream from his face that he somehow had failed to notice. Blushing lightly, he quickly mumbled a 'thanks dad' before launching right back into his rant, steadily growing redder and redder as he realized what he'd said, voice slowly dying out into a squeak. Yagi didn't fair much better, his whole face red, mouth hanging open, unable to compute. There was embarrassed silence for a minute before Izu cleared his throat and with a voice three octaves too high, thanked Yagi for lunch and left. Yagi stayed there for a good half hour before paying the bill and leaving to call Torino in peace. Torino just laughed at him and his reaction when he'd finished.

Then came Aizawa, who had pulled Izu away from training to try to convince him to take better care to not hurt himself with his own attacks, to which Izu replied, in English, "okay, dad." Aizawa did not let his deadpan look even twitch, he didn't, and waited, like a respectable adult, until Izuku was back with his class to simultaneously smile and roll his eyes. Present Mic was going to be getting words on what and how he taught his kids, he had a reputation to maintain, dammit. And Mic knew all the ways to get Aizawa to crack. It wasn't fair to be teaching the kids, that kid, those ways.

Obviously, Lunch Rush was next, Izu gets tired when he's hungry and he can't be held liable for his mouth when he's tired. So lunch was almost canceled when Lunch Rush almost imploded after Izu gave him a tired but bright smile and a chirped 'thanks, Nii-san!"

Present Mic had the unfortunate task of having to move Izuku because he'd chosen to fall asleep on a wall that had to be taken down. He didn't want to do it, no body did, but he'd literally drawn the short stick. Slowly, he'd gotten his arms under the curled up boy and was beginning to move him when he disappeared and just as suddenly reappeared clinging to his chest, arms under his jacket for warmth. He'd mumbled in his sleep, how was the boy still sleeping? about birds and English and what Mic was almost certain was 'dad' in Thai or it might have been a snore. Mic was hoping for Thai though, giddily walking off to find another sunny place for the kid to sleep in.

1-A was redoing their trip to the USJ, this time thankfully without the villains, when Izu hugged Thirteen from behind and mumbled into their suit 'you'd be the best sibling ever,' and ran off before his blush could be noticed and before Thirteen's reaction could be seen. Not that it was much of a reaction, they stood there for the rest of the class period, frozen, Mic had taken a video with the caption, 'Thirteen.exe had stopped working', and sent it out on the staff's group chat.

Power Loader was practically asleep on his feet after almost a week of Izuku coming down to help Mei with her projects, so he can't really be blamed when he called them his kids and implied Izu was trying to help her take over the world. Izu blinked before smiling, 'don't worry, pops. Mei could do that without me!' It didn't hit him until Nezu had posted the video to the staff group chat the next day, he buried his head in his hands and mourned the loss of his dignity.

Nezu finally got his turn during an after school tea session, where they played chess and discussed morally dubious things most heroes and hero-hopefuls probably wouldn't or shouldn't. It was about three minutes into Izu's side of their debate and said so fast most people wouldn't have noticed, but Nezu did. An off hand, almost throwaway, comment in the middle of their rather serious theoretical debate on early heroics and government conspiracies (something Nezu can always appreciate), "Dadzu". It could have been a slip of the tongue, was it not Izuku who had said it (Izu who never slipped or stuttered around Nezu). He almost didn't catch the rest of the fifteen minute theory, but thankfully, his quirk allowed a small part of his mind to pay attention while a large majority of the rest of it was focused on breathing and looking like he hadn't caught that. The last little bit was calculating the amount of time it would take to adopt him.

Midnight was beside herself, she hadn't yet been called mom by Izuku when half the staff already had been. She didn't like it, not at all. But her time eventually came when she was leaving the teacher's lounge at the end of the day. Izu was running, being followed by Kaminari and Ashido, all three of which were laughing and looking behind them, loud swears and explosions coming from an adjoining hall. None of them were looking, neither was Midnight, Izu somehow managed to avoid her without looking, the other two, not so much. They plowed right into each other, sending them all down to the ground. Loud, harsh laughing came from the end of the hall (three guesses as to who it came from), before it trailed off, back down the adjoining hall, leaving the three on the ground with Izu fretting over them. "Oh, gosh, sorry, Mom-" Izu had started, before freezing up, a huge smile blown across Midnight's face, mirrored by the other two on the floor. "-night..." he continued awkwardly, coughing, "yeah, momnight. Totally what I meant to say...." Midnight squealed with happiness, pulling him down into a hug, "kid, I'll 100% be your mom! Call me that anytime!" Izu disappeared promptly, a wild blush on his face, leaving the three to pick themselves up while snickering and cooing.

Vlad was surprisingly used to his students calling him 'dad', so he hardly blinked when Izuku said it before finals.

Hound Dog was similarly not surprised when Izuku called him 'Hound Dad' towards the end of one of his biweekly sessions, having been called worse things many times (usually when they can get Bakugo to attend his own biweekly sessions).

Izuku is very thankful that Ectoplasm never knows what his clones go though because he's called at least three clones 'dad' before the summer even came around (and Nezu recorded and sent each one through the staff's group chat, not that Izuku knows that). Ectoplasm doesn't know how to feel about that when he gets the first video, but by the time the third one came around, he's warm and content, being able to put one of his students at ease enough to call him dad mistakenly.

Snipe doesn't know when it started, just that by the time he realized it, Izuku had gotten rather comfortable calling him dad, so it must have been a while.

Cementoss is unused to being called dad by his students, having it happen only once prior, but he can say without a doubt that Izuku calling him that felt right.

~AN~ Still my art. Also, I am taking about a months long hiatus for multiple reasons, I won't be posting, but hopefully, I'll still be able to read and respond to comments. Sorry for the inconvenience and thank you all for your support! Stay safe and healthy out there!

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