Izuku is...Rich?

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It was one of those days where Izuku really hadn't been around much, which was slightly unusual for a Saturday like today, but no one thought much of it. Momo, Shoto, Eijiro, and Tenya were going to a gala, some fancy charity gala that was being hosted by the ever famous and enigmatic Yamatani Company's elusive CEO, Akatani Hisashi. Yuuga had been invited to go as well, but had overworked himself in training the day before and regretfully couldn't go with them.

They had all dressed in their finest, Momo in a beautiful sleek black to silver ombre dress that she could easily rip the skirt off of to move more comfortably in should the need arise. Shoto was wearing a monochrome suit of black and pewter with a marbled tie. Eijiro, who was invited due to his mother's vast network of influence, was in a black suit with red shirt and fire patterned bowtie. Tenya was in a midnight blue suit with light blue shirt and tie that matched his hair.

Obviously, as the younger adults tend to do at these parties, they stayed together, not quite in the corner, but not quite in a position that others were likely to bother them, the most socially acceptable middle ground. The position alone told everyone that they were here out of obligation and didnt really want to be bothered, and Shoto's default glare kept any of the braver ones away if that failed.

Eijiro's mom and Tenya's brother and parents had already dropped by to visit them, and now that the gala was in full swing, they were looking around for anyone they knew or playing I Spy (Shoto and Eijiro) as they waited for something interesting to happen. Shoto suddenly stopped mid sentence, getting the attention of their little group as they looked for what could throw him off. In the middle of the crowd stood their host in a well fitted black and red gold suit that made him stand out amongst the rest of the colorfully dressed attendees. And right beside him was a boy in a black and emerald green suit, dark green hair slicked back and a pleasant smile on his face, a face that looked remarkably similar both to the man standing next to him and their own classmate Izuku Midoriya.

It wasn't until the boy looked over to them and a shocked expression crossed his face that they realized that that was Izuku. He was quickly pulled back into whatever conversation he was having with people Momo and Tenya recognized as CEOs of other top companies, and they were talking to him, not his apparent father, with expressions that suggested they were talking business. They watched as the greenet said something to the men and he and his father turned away before disappearing into another ballroom. They jumped when half a second later, Izuku was draped across Shoto and Tenya's shoulders.

"Dad didn't tell me you guys were coming!"

"Izuku!" They called simultaneously, glomping onto the boy.

He chuckled, hugging them back, "actually it's Akatani Mikumo right now. My parents wanted to keep my private and business lives as separate as possible."

"Where'd your freckles go?" Shoto asked, hand brushing the greenet's spot-free cheeks.

"Ah, I covered them so it's harder to connect Deku to Akatani, my dad does it too. After all, we have lives outside of business."

There was silence as they absorbed that before Eijiro said, "isn't he the CEO? I thought their lives revolved around their business?"

Izuku tilted his head then shrugged, "well yeah, but it's called Yamatani for a reason. Dad may be the CEO, but Yamaguchi is the CFO and just between us, that's a far more important role. Yama-san eats, sleeps, and breathes business, if he didn't have a personality reminiscent of Kacchan, he's have been CEO. Unfortunately he's not a people person and would be a PR nightmare, so my dad...accepted the position."

"You say that like he didn't want it," Momo comments delicately.

Again Izuku just shrugs, "he's not really a business person. It's why there's rarely any appearances from him, and why he started bringing me to these."

"Mikumo," a deep voice from behind them greeted.

They all turn around, to be met with the black haired man in the red gold suit who wore a somewhat tired smile.

"Dad! Have you met my friends yet?"

"No, I haven't," the man spares them a strained and apologetic smile, "I'm so sorry kids, I'm going to have to borrow my son for a minute."

The happy smile dropped from Izuku's face, becoming serious, "oh? Is someone picking fights? Please tell me it's Endeavor again," a wicked smile spread at his father's nod. "Okay guys, I'm going to go verbally eviscerate someone, I'll be right back."

He and his father start walking off, they make it a few steps before Shoto follows, the rest following soon after.

Oh, and what a verbal smack down it was, leaving Endeavor flaming and speechless, Shoto got the whole thing on video, along with quite a few other attendees and press. Needless to say the group chat quite liked it and quite liked Izuku's new look.

so this was a like 30 minute speed writing chapter i did at work based on this tumblr post i read, obsessed with, couldn't find fics for, so decided to write my own. https://gentrychild.tumblr.com/post/656994229235679232/rich-boy-izuku-au

so if it's not good quality that's why, i just really needed to get this out there before i forgot it.
it's been a while since i last posted tho, so...chapter question, how are yall? anything new? there anything you want to do/are going to do this summer?
personally, i just got a new job so im still adjusting, but i really like it, i just got my first does of the covid vaccine a couple weeks ago, i'm about to get my second one in a few days. i dont think im going to do much over the summer.

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