Hyuga x Reader

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You were walking around town since the Bombers decided to take a break from training for the day. Everyone needed a day off every once and a while. You were planning to visit Hikaru and Hyuga but went against the thought since it was everyone's day to relax. You'll end up seeing them tomorrow anyways.

You found yourself walking across the shoreline were the sand meets the sea. The only thing you could think about was feeling the breeze in your hair and the sun against your skin. Your (h/c) hair blew with the wind as you (e/c) eyes stared off into the horizon.

Before you could continue your walk across the beach, you heard a familiar voice calling your name from the side.

"(Name)!" Hyuga yelled, running up to you.

"Hey Hyuga, is something wrong?" The only thing the boy could do was pant from how fast he was running.

"No, nothing's wrong. Just wanted to hang out with you!" Hyuga said after he regained his breath. The small blush that appeared on his cheeks went unnoticed by you as you gave him your signature smile.

"Then let's get to it!" You exclaimed as you continued walking. Hyuga caught up and walked by your side with his arms behind his head.

"So, where's Hikaru? You two usually come as a package" you asked. Hyuga frowned slightly at the thought of you worrying about Hikaru, he wasn't sure why though.

"He's at home. He wanted to be a party pooper so I left him at our room." And with that, you let out a giggle.

"Sounds like someone wanted the day off" you said

"Yeah, he gets pretty miserable when he doesn't get his rest." Hyuga stuck his tongue out playfully with a wink. This made you blush but laugh nonetheless. After that, you two began to walk around town. You two went window shopping, and ended up getting something to eat since you had brought money with you. You planned to stay out the whole day to get fresh air which was why you had it. But you had to admit hanging around with Hyuga like this was awesome.

Ice cream was your top priority for food, so you walked over to the ice cream shop and ordered something for both you and Hyuga. After you finished, you went to the water fountain near the other side of town while racing each other to it.

"I won!" Hyuga panted.

"No I did!" you shot back.

"No I did!"

"Nope I won that!"

You gave each other playful glares before laughing it off. Then you two walked over to the fountain and took some change out to make a wish.

"We'll both wish for something and on the count of three, we'll throw the coins in the water. Okay?" you asked. Hyuga nodded. Then you both made your wishes. It sounded cheesy, but you wished that you could stay by Hyuga forever. It was kind of a stretch, but you loved him and didn't want to let him go. Little did you know, Hyuga wished for the same thing about you.



"1...2...3!" You both counted. Then you launched your coins, both of them hitting the water at the same time. You turned to look at Hyuga only to be met with his wide smile.

"Come on (Name), let's go do something else before the day ends" he said before dragging you along the roads and sidewalks. You two ran around looking at anything and everything until you were both worn out. But that didn't stop you two from making the most of the rest of the day. You guys ended up going back to the beach to watch the sunset.

"Say, (Name), it's been a while since we've hung out like this." You guys walked around town for pretty much the entire day and you had to admit, it was the most fun you had in a while. Hyuga looked at the scene before him, the waves crashing against each other and the sun turning everything orange.

"Sure has, we've all been training really hard lately with the others. Keeping up with Valt, Rantaro and Silas is quite the challenge," you sweat dropped.

"It may be difficult but nothing we can't handle!" Hyuga jumped up. You smiled as you agreed with him.

You guys chatted a little more about life, surprisingly nothing beyblade related. You felt like your friendship with Hyuga increased by the millions after today and you wanted to take that extra step. But you were scared he wouldn't return your feelings.

The sun was going down quickly and you both had to get home before nightfall. You didn't realize you ended up holding hands, so when you both noticed, you guys blushed and let go of each others' hands. After recovering, you two locked eyes for a couple of seconds before he pulled you into a tight embrace. You wished this feeling of him holding you would last forever, but it had to go away eventually. He pulled away from the hug and gave you another wide smile.

"Well, (Name), I'll see you tomorrow!" Before he could run off, you grabbed his shoulder and kissed him on the cheek right below his sun tattoo. You both blushed as you refused to make eye contact with him. You smiled softly.

"See ya tomorrow, Hyuga" you said before jogging your way home. Hyuga stood there in shock with his hand over his cheek where you kissed him. After he recovered, he grinned. He definitely wasn't washing that cheek ever again. He made his way home, about to bother his brother about what he did with you today.

"I love you (Name)" Hyuga said to no one in particular. Hyuga made it home and stepped inside the house, taking one last look at the spot on the beach where you two were. He smiled once again and stepped foot into the house, greeting his family. This would be a day he wouldn't forget.


Rantaro was on his way home from practice. He was aware that the Bombers were taking a day off, but he still trained with the others chosen by the wbba. Silas was a little bored without Hyuga's company, but he knew the kids needed to take some time for themselves. As Rantaro passed the beach, he saw you and Hyuga looking at each other before Hyuga had hugged you.

Rantaro internally awed at the sight. Then, he heard Hyuga say his goodbyes.

He was going to walk away thinking the scene was over but he wasn't able to take a step before he saw you kiss Hyuga's cheek. This made Rantaro smile so big his jaw began to hurt. He loved the sight of you two together, you were both so precious and it was obvious you liked each other. Rantaro watched as you ran off and looked back at Hyuga to catch his reaction. Though, Hyuga only stood there with his hand on his cheek. After all, what did he expect?

Rantaro continued his journey home as he saw Hyuga continue his as well. The head
honcho couldn't wait to tell Silas that Hyuga would have a partner before he did.

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