Lui x Child!Reader

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(This one shot takes place in chouzetsu/turbo)


Lui was strolling around town for a while, looking into the windows of shops and passing people, seeing some of his fans on his walk. He was wearing his normal outfit with his white fluffy coat. Of course, he had Luinor on him. After all, that was his partner; he couldn't go anywhere without the bey.

Lui stopped to look at something playing on a mini tv through the window of an electronics store. It was a battle between Valt and Silas for the world title. Valt, the defending champion, was currently in the lead while Silas was a point behind.

Lui was so focused on the match that he didn't notice someone approach him. Suddenly, he felt someone fingers brush against his arm, tickling him slightly. He looked down and was met with the innocent face of a child.

"Hey, kid. What do you think you're doing?" Lui asked the kid. He slightly glared at the child before him, who was playing with the fluff on his outfit.

"It's so fluffy!" Their (e/c) eyes had sparkles in them. Lui sighed and bent down to meet faces with the child. They made eye contact and the little one shivered from Lui's intense stare. He softened his gaze when he realized the kid was afraid.

"What's your name?" he asked.

"(Name)!" they replied. "What's yours mister?"

"Lui" their eyes sparkled once again once they saw a bey sticking out of his pocket. They pointed to the bey.

"Do you blade?" Lui followed their gaze to his pocket and realized what they were looking at.

"Yeah, this is Luinor." Lui held out Luinor for them to see.

"So cool!" (Name) said as they examined the bey.

"Yeah it is, we're the strongest in the world!"

"How come Valt is still champion if you and Luinor are the best?" they asked him. Lui didn't even know how to respond.

"B-because, he is" he huffed. This made (Name) giggle.

"Lui, I wanna get big and strong like you!" (Name) flexed their muscles. Lui smiled his cocky smile.

"Ha, train hard and practice a lot, you'll get there." He said to them, watching the determination in the kid's eyes continue to intensify.

"No they won't, (Name) can't even beat me in a battle" some kid behind (Name) laughed. He had two kids walking behind him, also laughing at his remark. (Name) turned around while Lui looked up slightly. The boy looked about a year or so older than (Name).

"Listen weakling, the beyblade world doesn't need losers like you, I'll only acknowledge you if you beat me in a battle. Which never happen." The three boys cackled.

"I won't ever give up! I'll beat you someday. Watch me!" (Name) shouted with tears in the corner of their eyes.

"Yeah, good luck with that" one of the back up kids said.

"You're weak compared to us" the other one added. (Name) hung their head low in shame. Lui wanted so badly to punch these kids. (Name) did nothing wrong, and these kids are picking on them because they lost a few battles. This irritated Lui to no end. Somehow, he saw a little bit of his past self in the bully.

"Leave them be," Lui stood up. He towered over the kids. "If you want to battle someone, battle me. Don't bully them for losing, everyone loses eventually. I want you out of my sight and I never want to see you around (Name) again." The three boys were immediately terrified of Lui. They ran away without hesitation, not wanting trouble from someone as intimidating and tough as Lui. In mere seconds, they were out of sight.

"Tch." Lui turned back to (Name) only to see them standing there silently with their head down, tears streaming down their face. Lui bent down to (Name)'s level once again.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, thanks for helping me." they replied. They sounded broken as their voice cracked from crying.

"It's clearly not just nothing, say it. What's really wrong?" With that, (Name) looked at him in the eye and began to calm themself down so they could speak.

"I couldn't even stand up for myself. And I try to train as much as I can, but no matter how hard I train I still can't beat them in a battle. Maybe he's right. Anyways, it was nice meeting you Lui," (Name) said. They turned their back towards him and was about to walk off before (Name) felt themself being picked up. They looked around and saw Lui had picked them up and put them on his shoulders.



"What are you doing?"

"Taking you to the place where I train. I'm gonna make you the best blader in the world. Watch" he said. (Name)'s eyes regained their light as they squealed in excitement. They looked down at him and noticed how fiery his hair looked.



"Your hair is so cool!"


"Can I touch it?"



All the way to Lui's training place, (Name) played with Lui's hair and continued to feel his fluffy jacket. Not before being seen by multiple fans and even Shu himself. Shu was walking with a friend when he heard a cheer and looked for the source of the noise. There, he saw (Name) on Lui's shoulders playing with his hair and jacket while Lui softly smiled at the child on his shoulders.

Shu's jaw reached the floor, to say the least.

From that day on, Lui kept his promise and trained you until no end. Every day you guys would practice. That rigorous workout routine and wild training schedules paid off as you grew up with Lui still coaching you. One day, you had actually managed to beat Lui. He was shocked, but also very proud that he was able to help you become the champ you were born to be. If you couldn't tell, he took much pride in being your mentor. And he couldn't have asked for a better way to meet you than that day.

(Sorryyyyy if he's really ooc, I wanted to make it fluffy but not make Lui all cuddly and stuff lol. Also sorry if it's short really short)

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