Dante x Reader

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It was February 13th, which meant Valentine's Day was tomorrow. You, Taka, and Ichika were all out just hanging around, running some errands for Tango. Back at the Victories' place, Drum was stressing himself out because he liked you, but he didn't know how to say it.

"DELTAAAA" Dante ran to him. Delta turned his attention away from cleaning Devolos and looked at the smaller boy. He expected a hug or something because this is Dante we're talking about, but instead was met with a hyperventilating energetic smol bean. Delta immediately went into "protective" mode due to Dante's sudden change in attitude.

"Dante, is something wrong?" he asked.

"Ummmmmm, maybe?" Dante's face was red by now. He didn't know how to tell Delta about his situation, but he knew he needed help somehow.

"Sure looks like it, what's on your mind?" Delta was being patient with Dante. Dante wasn't usually like this, getting all nervous out of the blue. He tried his best to calm down so he could speak to his friend.

"W-well, Valentine's Day is tomorrow." That's the problem, Delta thought. He smirked.

"Is someone on your mind for the special day?"

"Uh actually, yeah" Dante looked away. Delta was shocked to say the least, although he should have expected it coming. He wouldn't have spoken to Delta about it otherwise.

"Who is it?"

"I-it's (Name)." The poor kid became embarrassed once again and tried to hide his face. Delta just chuckled and fully gave his attention to Dante. He put down Devolos and stood up to face the nervous boy.

"So, is there anything particular you have in mind?" Delta asked. Dante's jaw dropped. Delta wanted to help?

"Not really, I want to do something for them but I'm not sure what. I'm not even sure they'll return my feelings. I know the things (Name) likes so I could get them something but I'm scared." Dante looked down like he was disappointed in himself. No one noticed Arman approach the two as Delta was trying to comfort Dante. Delta didn't have the time to speak to Dante before Arman chimed in.

"You do know they like you back, right?" Arman said. Dante jumped while Delta looked at Arman. Delta nodded in agreement.

"You took the words right out of my mouth." Delta replied. Arman just gave a grin as he put a hand on Dante's shoulder.

"Look, I'm not really good with romance but I wanna help too. You guys really just need to get together already." Arman sweat dropped. For the rest of the day, Arman and Delta were working to boost Dante's confidence for him to confess. By evening, Dante felt as though he was ready for the next day. He just needed to go out and buy the things he needed. Before he could get ready to go out to the store, you and the other two members of the team returned. Dante had sparkles in his eyes as he ran full speed at you.

"(NAME)!!" He yelled as he tackled you into a hug. You fell over with Dante on top of you.

"Hi there Dante!" you said with a blush. You looked at Dante and could've sworn you saw his cheeks dusted with pink. He got off of you and helped you up, but ended up pulling too hard. You landed on Dante as he caught you before you fell forward. Both of your faces turned a thousand shades of red as you clung to him for dear life while you regained your balance.

"Sorry" you both said at the same time. Arman and Delta smiled at you both while Ichika and Taka watched in shock. Tango was watching from the couch with the cat on his lap like usual.

"Hey Drum, let's battle!" Arman called out. Dante recovered as he watched Arman hold out Ashindra. You and Dante released each other as Dante showed off Dragon.

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