Arman x Reader

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(SPOILERSSSS also probably really ooc sorry about thattttt)

The battle of the Victories versus HELL was finally over, and the Victories could indulge in their win. The members were all running together while Tango was riding his bike. Arman and Dante basically called Taka and Ichika slowpokes, to which they took it as a challenge. They caught up to the two before slowing down again. Then, Fumiya raced past Arman and Dante and spun back around, flashing his rings and running ahead once again. Dante and Arman didn't take this lightly as they raced to catch up with Fumiya.

You, Delta and Tango watched this all unfold as Tango started to talk to Delta. You couldn't really hear what they were saying because you were busy watching Arman race the boys back to the Victories HQ.

"Let's go" Delta says as he runs faster to catch up. Tango only chuckles in response and looks at you.

"(Name), aren't you going to catch up?"

"Yeah, I guess I will" you reply before attempting to catch up with the others. Tango watched your figure retreat as he thought about how much the team has grown. You guys finally made it back to the HQ with Dante, Arman and Fumiya sitting on the ground arguing over who won. You just stood by Delta trying to regain your breath.

You guys heard footsteps near you all and looked up to be greeted by Valt and Aiger.

"Valt! Aiger!" Drum squealed before getting up, which caused Arman and Fumiya to fall over. You ran to help Arman up off of the ground.

"Thanks a lot, (Name)"


You all headed inside and Valt and Aiger spoke with Arman, Dante and Delta about the match. While Valt, Aiger and Drum were battling, you all decided to hang out with Delta being the ref for the match. You were sitting down on the steps in front of the couch that Tango sits on all the time, just watching everyone having fun. Suddenly, you felt someone sit down next to you which snapped you out of your trance.

"Delta and Dante made the Victories a lot stronger, along with you. I couldn't thank you guys enough for helping stand up for the team." Arman said. You knew he meant it from the heart because you knew how much the Victories meant to him.

"Arman, you know I'm always here for you and the team as are Dante and Delta."

"Yeah, I just wanted to thank you is all"

"No need to thank us, if we didn't want to be here we wouldn't be. Plus, we made really good friends." you said as you poked Arman in the arm. "Like you, I couldn't imagine where I would be right now if it weren't for you."

"I-I didn't do much, though"

"Yes you did! Yeah, Dante and Delta made the team stronger, but you're also a crucial member of the team! Without you, Dante wouldn't have grown as strong as he is today nor would we have made fun memories together. You also played a major role in bringing the Victories to the top, especially by winning those matches against Inferno. You really have grown a lot and you've helped us and the team in more ways than you could ever imagine."

You looked at Arman and saw tears in his eyes. You knew how much it meant for him to hear that stuff, and you were glad that you helped him realize that he was an important part in everyone's life, especially in yours. You loved him, though you hadn't built up the courage to confess.

You stood up and held out a hand for him to take. He grabbed your hand and you pulled him up. Once he was on his feet, you hugged him. He was taken by surprise but hugged back almost immediately. He blushed as he held you close with your arms wrapped around each other. The battle was still going on, but Delta witnessed the whole thing and overheard the conversation. Despite being ref, he was closely paying attention to the interaction. Tango was also watching, who also had tears in his eyes. Taka and Ichika smiled at the interaction, then at each other.

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