Valt x reader

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Sparking Valt requested by Carly_Cake

You were the oldest Asahi sibling, with you being 15. Hikaru was 12 and Hyuga was 11. Since you were the oldest, you felt as though it was your job to look after your younger brothers. That being said, when Valt and Honcho took you three to BC Sol, you naturally tried to comfort Hikaru when he was feeling down.

"Hikaru, what's the matter?"

"I can't get Helios to come out. I want to meet him."

"It comes with practice, you need to form a bond with Helios first."

"A bond?"

"Yep" Valt said, coming up from behind you. Hikaru sat down on the steps while you and Valt took a seat on either side of him.

"Valt, (Name), have you guys ever met Valkyrie and (b/n)?" Hikaru looked extremely upset and broken at the fact that he hasn't met Helios yet but Hyuga met Hyperion already.

"Yeah, we have" you said. You put a hand on Hikaru's shoulders. "And you can met Helios too!" Hikaru's eyes lit up.

"Really? How?" Valt stood up.

"Hikaru, do you love beyblade?" The question caught Hikaru off guard, but he still answered.

"Y-yeah, of course"

"Then you've got nothing to worry about!" Valt said. You smiled at Valt.

"Hikaru, let's battle!" Valt added.


Valt and Hikaru battled the rest of the day away, and it was time for bed. You and Hikaru walked into your shared room only to find Hyuga already there.

"Hikaru! (Name)! There you guys are!" Hyuga said as he tackled you two into a hug. Valt walked by the room while the door was open and saw you guys hugging. He smiled to himself and continued his journey to his room.

After a little more talking with the brothers, you all went to bed. You were glad Hikaru was feeling better after talking and battling with Valt. Both of the brothers were fast asleep by now, but you couldn't sleep so you decided to get up and walk around a bit. You shut the door as quietly as possible after you exited the room and began walking. Not even five minutes into the walk and you were caught.

"Why are you still up?" You turned around to Free approaching you.

"Couldn't sleep? You?"


"I wish I could train right now to be honest."

"Why can't you?"

"Because if my brothers found out I trained without them I'd never hear the end of it tomorrow." You sighed. Free only smiled ever so slightly.

"By the way, before you went to bed Valt was looking for you. He's sitting at the stadium outside in the middle of the grounds if you want to go visit him now." Free told you. You could see a small glint of mischief in his eyes, but you ignored it and thanked him. After that you ran off to find Valt.

When you arrived at the stadium, you saw Valt sitting and cleaning Valkyrie just like Free said he would be. You chuckled as you approached him.

"Hey Valt, what's up?" Valt jumped slightly but relaxed when he saw it was only you.

"Hey (Name), why are you still up? Are the brothers annoying you?"

"No, they're both sleeping. I just couldn't fall asleep so I went for a walk. I ran into Free and he said you were looking for me earlier. Was there something you needed?" Valt gave you a confused look.

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