Hikaru x Reader

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You were from Spain, and you had just gotten on the team BC Sol about a month ago. Valt helped you get better at blading and decided to take you to Japan with him one day. His exact words:

"Hey Free, I'm kidnapping (Name) for a couple of weeks." Free just gave him a look of confusion then shrugged after realizing his intentions. The thing was, Valt didn't tell you about you two going to Japan until about 6 hours before the flight. Here's how it went down.

"(Name)! Pack your suitcase for two weeks and make it quick! We have a flight to catch in 6 hours!" Valt yelled running up to you.

"Valt? What do you mean?"

"I mean, I'm taking you to Japan. Come on!" He dragged you to your dorm room and pulled out your suitcase from under your bed. Luckily, you didn't share a room with anyone yet. That would have been a problem.

"Make sure to pack for two weeks like I mentioned!" Valt said before shutting your door. You just stood there in shock until you snapped out of your trance and started to rush around your room, packing everything you needed.

You finally finished packing after two non-stop hours of creating a checklist and double checking everything. You met Valt out at the front gates of BC Sol, before getting sent off by Free. It was shocking seeing Free talking with Valt, you didn't expect him to see you two off. Although, him and Valt are really close friends. You walked up to the two with your suitcase.

"Ready to go, (Name)?" Valt asked.

"Yeah, I'm ready."

"Valt, try not to kill them." was all Free said before waving goodbye and walking away.

"Welp, let's get going." Valt started to walk. "We have 4 hours before our flight so we should start heading over."

"Uhhh, right!" You caught up to Valt.

~Time skip to on plane~

You guys were up in the air, and it's already been about an hour after take off. You wondered why Valt was taking you with him to Japan. So you spoke your mind.

"Hey Valt" you called to him.


"Why are you taking me to Japan with you? Aren't Sisco and Rantaro already there?"

"Yeah, but there's people I want you to meet." Me? Why would he want me to meet someone else? I just joined BC Sol, what could there possibly be in Japan that he would want me to see? You thought.

"Oh, okay." You replied. You didn't want to bombard him with questions. Eventually, you two fell asleep.

~Another time skip~

You guys were finally off of the plane and started to walk where Valt was taking you.

"Before I take you to meet the others, I want to show you the neighborhood first." Valt said.

"Alright." You replied. After a few hours of touring town and having a tour of the giant wbba. building, you headed to where you were to meet the people. The whole purpose of you coming to Japan.

"Well, here we are." You faced a building. You could hear people battling inside because of the beys clashing together. You walked inside right behind Valt, only to see Honcho himself coaching a team of bladers. Mainly only two of them though.

"Hey guys!" Valt said to the group. A guy with blue and light blue hair at the tips was the first to react.

"Valt!" He said. You were two busy looking at the blue haired boy that you didn't notice Honcho walking up behind you and wrapping an arm around your shoulders.

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