Dante x Transgender(MTF)!Reader

982 21 114

//MTF- Male to Female//
Reader's pronouns: (she/her)

Another day with the Victories, as usual. You were always a bit shy, the reason being you're transgender. You were constantly afraid of one of the members finding out your secret, or even getting a hint to it. Your voice sounded pretty feminine, and you dressed in whatever you felt comfortable with. One day, it could be a dress, the next it could be baggy sweatpants and an oversized hoodie. All in all, you were terrified and always on the lookout.

You were thinking about how the members would react if you told them your situation, until someone wrapped their arms around you from behind you, making you jump 10 feet into the air.


"Relax (Name)! It's just me!" Dante's voice rung through your ears. Your tense state immediately disappeared as you turned to face the boy.

"Don't scare me like that!" This makes Dante giggle.


"Come on guys! It's time to eat!" Arman said to everyone.

"Coming!" Both you and Dante said at the same time. Then proceeded to race each other to the table.

You guys took your seats at the same time as Tango put the food on the table.

"Steak!" Taka cheered.

"Dig in everyone!" Tango said. With that, everyone began devouring their food. It was frightening, actually.

Dante was obviously the first one done. He jumped up and dashed to the stadium.

"Thanks for the food Uncle! Gonna go train!"

After watching Dante's whole thing that just happened, Arman shoved his food into his mouth and ate it without chewing, then drank his drink in several big gulps.

"Thanks for the food! Dante wait for me!"

Arman and Dante began to train together, battling their hearts out. After a while, everyone finished their food, said their thanks, and walked out to where the battle was happening.

You focused on the beys, then looked at Arman as he called out a move.

"Ashindra! Bushin Guard!"

You were amazed at Ashindra's defense, but then here came Dragon, flying down the slope.

"Dragon Launch!" Dante called out.

After watching Dragon attack Ashindra with heavy hitting blows, you looked at the blonde boy. Oh how you regretted that decision. Once your eyes were set on Dante, they never left his figure. You watched in awe as he fought against Arman with everything he had.

Of course, Ichika just HAD to step in.

"(Name), it's obvious. Say something to him!"

You knew exactly what she was talking about and blushed.

"No way! I can't do that..."

"Yes you can! Are you scared he won't like you back?"

"There's several reasons-" You pulled Ichika into the other room and shut the door. Dante witnessed this and questioned it, becoming very slightly jealous. Instead, he decided to focus on the battle at hand.

"Are you alright?" Ichika asked you.

"Yeah! I'm fine. I didn't wanna say anything out there"

"Okay! So what are your reasons?"

"Well, as you said, he might not like me back. He's also kind of dense and/or oblivious, he might take it the wrong way. And umm...." You hesitated.

"(Name), you can tell me anything."

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