Hikaru x Reader (School AU)

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(f/n)- friend name

It was the first day of school and you were all figuring out your new schedules. The first three periods already went by, and the classes you had with your friend, (f/n) was english during second period and gym third period so far. You had music first period which was one subject you didn't have any friends in yet.

You had gotten out of gym with (f/n) and were walking together down the hallway to go get lunch. You both walked to the lunch line and chatted while you got your food. Mainly about the first period class that you guys didn't have together. Once you sat down, you two began eating while comparing the rest of your schedules.

"Aw man! We don't have fourth and sixth period together." (f/n) pouted.

"That's okay, I'm sure we'll both make friends quickly." you told them.

"Yeah, hopefully."

You guys continued to talk about the teachers you guys had so far and talked about how you thought the rest of the year was going to go. You had high hopes for this school year while (f/n) was doubting they would make it through the year with having to actually talk to others besides you. Although you wished to be with (f/n) as well, you saw this as a good opportunity to make good friends in other classes. That way you're not completely alone.

"By the way, I made a new friend already." (f/n) said.




"This kid, his name is Hyuga Asahi, he's in my art class. He's really energetic too. He has red spiky hair and has a sun tattoo under his left cheek."

"Sheesh, only you would make friends this quickly. And you were complaining three seconds ago about us not having the same classes!"

"Well, yeah but you're still my closest friend." (f/n) gave you a 'duh' face as you sighed and gave in.

"Okay fine."

You and (f/n) began imitating random people and making jokes about pretty much anything. The bell rang, signaling lunch time was over and for the students to report to their fourth period class. You and (f/n) stood up and bid your goodbyes as you had to go separate ways.

"Bye, (f/n). See ya next period."

"Yep, see ya."

You were walking around the school trying to find the math class before you got shoved by an upperclassman.

"Move." they mumbled before walking away.

You were falling and prepared for contact with the ground but it never came. Instead you came into contact with another person. You could tell because their arms wrapped around you as they caught you. You regained your balance and turned around to apologize to the person that caught you.

"I'm sorry!" you said quickly as you bowed.

"No, no it's okay, I'm glad I caught you. Upperclassmen can be pretty rude. Also don't apologize for something that isn't your fault. You couldn't control that." The person pointed out.

"Fair enough, thanks for catching me." you said.

"Anytime," the person said. You took this chance to get a good look at them. You saw a boy with blue hair and green eyes with a half sun tattoo under his right cheek. You found him pretty attractive, if you did say so yourself.

"So what class are you going to?" he asked.

"I'm going to math class, room 226. If I could find it without getting myself killed that would be great." The boy laughed.

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