Chapter IX: The Fairy Queen in the land of the Ninjas

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"Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura" as he calls the attention of his team. "You guys listen carefully. We will head towards that disturbing light and noise but I want you to remain hidden until I tell you so, do you understand?" giving the kids a stern look. "I will check if the situation is less serious I'll let you help out if needed but if danger arises I want you to go back to Konoha and get reinforcements, do I make myself clear?" he pointed out. "alright,alright... always hiding" Naruto mumbled, "hn" sasuke sighed and Sakura nodded.

"Let's go" as he continue to lead them towards the commotion. They jump from tree to tree until they reach a clearing- he can see a figure in the middle of an oddly circular space surrounded by trees as if it was a wall, the ground is covered with colorful flowers and green grasses and butterflies freely fly playfully and the sunshine is focused in that area illuminating the beauty of that spot as if something magical is in place. "woahh!! I didn't know of such a beautiful place exist outside Konoha" Sakura exclaimed "shhh!" kakashi silenced her as he tries to asses whether the figure means harm or any danger in the surroundings. "Remember what I told you earlier? I need you to follow my instructions, you hear me?" referring to his students who are caught in awe of the place. "Yes sensei" they responded in unison as they jumped away and went on hiding and surveillance. Sakura went under a certain bush on the right. Sasuke went behind a large tree for cover while Naruto stands on a large branch of one of the nearby trees.

Kakashi went forward hiding behind a larger tree as he cautiously peered to see what the earlier figure was. There was a big rock formation at the center of the clearing and there was a woman sitting on top of it. She is a beautiful young woman with long, flowy scarlet hair that drapes on her back like water flowing down the falls. She has a slender, voluptuous figure. Rubbing her head as if it pained her grabbing few stands of her hair and wiping her face with her palm. She looked at her own body checking if there is any injuries or dirt. She stood up straightening herself and her skirt brushing her hair into one of her ears. She looks around in confusion surveying the area.

The silver haired ninja raised an eyebrow in confusion when he realized that girl was wearing a simple rounded single-piece pauldrons, and a fused collar and a metal breastplate featuring a large Heart Kreuz cross centered on the chest. Plated gauntlets extending up to her elbows, which are covered by elbow guards adorned by protruding metal ornaments reminiscent of feathers, in favor of curved plate. The front and back torso plates do not meet, leaving her sides exposed. Finally, the waist armor adds a second V-shaped piece that circles her hips. "A knight's armor huh?" he said to himself wondering as to why a ninja would wear something so ridiculously heavy and bulky. "Unless she is not a ninja. She does not have a headband or anything that would link her to any of the villages" he said to himself.

The girl gave out a deep sigh as she closes her eyes pinching the bridge of her nose like she was upset about something. "Where the hell am I? That forbidden scroll must've been some kind of magic spell that transported me into this strange place. If only I could figure out where I am I can simply find my way back home but this is totally unfamiliar like a different world or something." she muttered to herself while her eyes closed and arms across her breast nodding.

Kakashi sensed no danger so he came out deciding that she was no threat. He gave a polite smile raising his hands "hello, do you ne-" his sentence was cut off by a sword pointing to his throat "What? She doesn't have that sword earlier, it seems as if it came out of nowhere" kakashi said to himself. "Where am I?" she demanded "Why are you wearing a mask, are you a criminal hiding from the law?" she added as she gave the death stare. With a sweat dropped on Kakashi's right temple, he was about to explain himself when he noticed her eyes, it was bright red- "M- mangekyou Sharingan!" he gasp with eyes circled wide in shock, then the girl fainted falling in front of him, with his reflexes reacting on their own he reached out to catch her before she touches the ground.

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