Alone Together - Part 1

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It's been almost half an hour ago since Tutor excused himself to answer a call and Fighter left to go to the restroom but both are not yet back.

The couple didn't notice though as they were enjoying their conversation about each others' favorite places to eat and the best dishes on their menu.

Zon is listening attentively to Saifah and is giving him a nod and a smile every now and then. Which in turn puts a smile on Saifah's lips. He's grateful they have their love of food as a common ground. A topic they can talk about without making Zon annoyed at him. A thing he can use to get Zon's attention to himself.

He can watch all those shows recommending the best places to eat in bangkok if it means he'll have more to talk with his fiancé. He felt silly for thinking that way but can't stop himself.

If Saifah likes the roll of Zon's eyes and his glares when he was teasing him or when the other is annoyed with his jokes, his smile, Saifah found out today is specially addicting. He wants Zon's smile to be for him and because of him.

The two had to stop talking for a while when a waiter asked if he can clear the plates in their table. Saifah then said yes and asked for the bill and paid the meal even with Zon's insistence to split it and pay half of it. And the two then remembered that they weren't alone and started wondering where their companions are.

Zon is internally debating with himself whether to call Tutor or not when he suddenly get a text from said person. "Something came up. I'll be going ahead. Sorry but I won't be able to watch the movie with you today.", is what the message said and Zon can't help but worry about his bestfriend. But he won't press him though. He knows that when Tutor acts this way, it's best to let him be and wait until he's comfortable enough to seek him out and tell him the matter.

"Tor said he'll be going ahead of us. Something came up. We don't need to wait for him.", Zon said informing Saifah.

"Fighter said the same thing.", Saifah stated after reading a text on his phone.

"Guess I'll be watching a movie on my own then.", Zon mused.

"I can watch it with you if you want.", Saifah offered while crossing his fingers and hoping Zon will let him.

Zon is a bit hesitant but agreed anyway. Saifah won't let him pay for their meal and he's thinking of treating him to a movie instead. He doesn't feel good letting Saifah pay for everything.

The weekend crowd is proving to be huge. Saifah and Zon find it challenging to navigate a sea of people to get to the escalator. With a lot of people going to and fro and brushing against Zon, Saifah subconciously put a hand on his shoulder and pull him closer to him. Zon was surprised with the sudden touch but can't find it in him to remove it. It's making him nervous and dizzy and secure all at the same time.

Tutor would always put his hand on his shoulders too but why it's suddenly making his heart beat faster when it's Saifah's hand on him is making Zon confused.

When they finally reached the top most floor in the mall where the cinemas are, Zon is mentally slapping himself. Because of his nerves, everytime Saifah asks him a question, he only either answers him with a Yes, No, a nod or a barely audible hmm. Zon's vocabulary has more words than that, if only he's not too nervous and if only words don't get stuck in his throat.


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