44: Murder of the lover

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Taehyung didn't think himself a man you would call lucky. He simply didn't see himself as one because the things that happened in his life told a different story, far away than the word lucky.

For starters, he was bred in a lab from parents he hadn't even seen face of, nor felt their touch. He was an experiment, he knew that much and that didn't ease the feeling of distaste towards humans and society in his blood since the day he was born.

Things took a turn when he was 8 years old. Finally, the rights for hybrids won the long battle for justice after almost a decade and laws were enforced.

As a result, the facility he was grown in, was shut down for good and Taehyung couldn't be more happy that finally he was able to go out and see the things he hasn't seen. Touch the things he has never even dreamed of. Learn the things he has no knowledge of.

However, that didn't happen for a while. He was put in an adoption centre, not for long though. As Taehyung was a pretty and well behaved child, he was destined to be adopted sooner or later.

One day, out of nowhere, a couple decided to bring him into their care. Nam Jongsuk and Sang Hayoon. They took him to their house. Bathed him and fed him.

He met his new sister, that was apparently two years older than him. Nam Jangmi was a kind girl. She took him as his real brother and gave all the love she could give to her younger adopted sibling.

Life was going good until a new presence graced their house and his life became great. When Taehyung turned 9, his foster parents adopted another child.

A 6 year old bunny hybrid named Jeongguk, his younger brother was everything Taehyung wished for in a sibling. Although he would never admit to his sister, but he was quite bored of her tea set and doll house.

Now he had someone with whom he could share his boyish toys with, play video games and do play fighting. Never in a million years he thought that the adorable eyed bunny would become his best buddy because their animalistic natures were different; predator and prey. Not a thousand thank you's to his mother could express his gratitude since she was the one who brought Jeongguk.

At that age, the naive mind of Taehyung didn't know why her mother adopted only boys. Maybe because she already had a daughter? But it didn't matter as long as they were all equally showered with her affection.

However even at that time, Taehyung noticed her ignorance towards her own daughter who sometimes felt neglected but wouldn't say anything against it. In fact the 12 year old Jangmi was becoming quieter and quieter with time which didn't go unnoticed by both the boys and their father. Their mother Hayoon would tell them that it's just the effect of becoming a teenager and just like that, the topic would be closed before it even started.

It wasn't until the jaguar-leopard hybrid was 11 that he started to notice the change in Hayoon. Her indescribable attention to the boys was one thing but her eccentric characters were other.

It all started when one day she was went with Taehyung and Jeongguk to the nearest convenient store that she noticed their father sitting with another lady in a coffee shop on the way.

There was a huge fighting that day, consisting of Hayoon shouting at his father, accusing him of cheating. She even started to throw things at the poor man who explained many times that it was only a business meet-up with one of his clients but Hayoon was intent on the very thought that his father has a mistress.

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