~Senior Year~
Loralee stands tall behind the podium while the crowd of Seniors grow silent. She waits a few seconds but the group quiets down quicker than normal. It seems everyone is on the edge of their seats waiting to begin. Loralee takes her times before speaking.
"First, let me begin by congratulating all of you for making it this far," she pauses but there is no applause or cheering from us. She gives a nod. "You will have noticed by now that some of your classmates have not returned. Let us not look back on their failures but focus on the future. Your futures. Many of you will succeed this year though you may have a different outcome than the friend sitting next to you."
Sydney peeks over at me nervously, I offer her a reassuring smile but it does little to help. Her leg bounces under the table, another sign of how nervous she is. I take a quick moment to glance at J.T. and Tom.
Tom is paying attention but I can see his hands moving in his lap. I shift and am able to see he is putting together, then taking about, then reassembling some gadget. He's nervous too. I have to admit, I'm nervous for him too. Tom may be one of the smartest kids I know, hell one of the smartest people I know, but I'll always worry about him keeping up in the physical department. Tom has grown over the summer and he looks like has been trying to follow the workout plan. But I just am not sure.
I shake my head, trying to push the worry about. I turn my thoughts to J.T. and turn my body to get a good look. He is definitely distracted. After having a couple classes with him for a whole year, I picked up some things about him. Right now he hears Loralee but his mind is elsewhere. I slip my hand under the table and rest it on his thigh giving it a gentle squeeze. J.T. turns his focus on means gives me a small smile. Uh oh. He didn't glare or smack my hand away. Something definitely has got its hold on him.
"Over the past year, you've been learning what it takes to compete in the game. Not only mentally, through your academics but also physically." Loralee pauses again as she looks out over the group of Seniors. "You all will be split into seven teams. And before anyone asks. No, you will not get to chose. Your counselors have gotten together and spent the week before school started, deciding on the teams. Each team has been chosen and formed not only based on your individual capabilities but on your ability to work as a team. Dr. Donovan will now address the positions on the team and momentarily we will post the teams, before we begin again you all will separate into these teams."
Loralee steps aside and Dr. Donovan takes her place. A small scowl forms on my lips and Sydney nudges me and from the corner of my eye I can see J.T. smirking at me. Tom is, of course, oblivious.
Dr. Donovan and I have a history. I would say he has a history with my family but now I'm apart of the history too. Not only is he my counselor, but he and I, well, no correct way of saying this so I'll just say it. Dr. Donovan and I had an affair. Bleh. That was not a fun way of saying that. But yes we had "meetings" where we did nothing but fool around. I honestly think he just did it because of my uncle. Like he was trying to get back at him for something. It didn't bother me though. I've always enjoyed the company of older men. More so than any of the other boys at our school. Now you may be wondering why I'm scowling if I did in fact enjoy our affair. Well, shortly before the end of the year I found that all of our meetings were cancelled. Even the official meetings to help me prepare for senior year. I was furious. And he would not tell me why. So I had to fend for myself. I'm not one to keep hounding someone who doesn't want me around but as my teacher I expected a little better from him. But oh well. I made it to Senior year without his further assistance.
Oh and I learned nothing new about my uncle being labeled a "traitor".
"Welcome back students. Just to refresh your memory, I am Dr. Donovan. Not that you all could forget me," he says and seems to look right at me a second too long before moving on. I roll my eyes and debate flipping him off but there are way too many witnesses for that.

The Game
Narrativa generaleNatalie was never one to follow rules and respect those in authority, and as a result of her rebellious behavior, her parents ship her off to a boarding school. BUT the school is not quite what she was expecting, especially for the select few who a...