Chapter 29

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Happy graduation everyone!! I am graduating today so I am finally done with high school! I will finally have time to write more!!! Enjoy the chapter - Mad Dog


Emma's POV

Larus and Elijah stood in the doorway of the living room in their evils, glaring at Andy that still had his wings out. Alex was in her evil too and sat right next to me on the couch watching Andy across from us. I sighed, "Well Andy you might want to start explaining before they glare holes through you."

He gave a small laugh, "Well to start I have been your family's Guardian for decades... The beginning of it was when I met a girl named Betsy around the 1890's. I was still human then, in my early twenties... She was working in the clothing factory I made deliveries to... We started talking and hung out when we could. We were both young and in love with each other... But that all ended one day when there was an explosion at the factory. I got there seeing the building engulfed by flames. I looked through everyone standing outside and didn't see her anywhere so without thinking I ran in to save her. I just didn't know there was going to be a secondary explosion..."

"...I just remember the extreme burning that flooded across my body. Then I saw two white feathery wings coming closer to me. They told me not to worry and that I will get a second chance at life. The next thing I knew I woke in this place surrounded by more people with wings and I had a pair of my own... My maker taught me how to be a guardian as Betsy left behind a younger sister. That sister was your great great grandmother. Then I just followed the bloodline... When I got to your father, guardians became illegal so I hid in this town. My maker cut me off of the angel mind link and they have been searching for me ever since."

Andy sat back and stretched his wings out before folding them behind him, "So any questions?"

I was still amazed at Andy's angel form. He looked nothing like the grandpa figure I used to know. Too much has been changing so fast. I have a mate. Now I have a guardian angel. Actually my whole family had a guardian angel! And they never mentioned it! Wait if he was our guardian wasn't he supposed to protect my parents! If he was around why did they die?

I felt my heartbeat start to speed up and my breathing was getting faster. Then it started to feel like someone was suffocating me. I launched up from my seat, everyone stared at me with worry. Alex stood up too, "Em, what's wrong?... You need to breathe, your heart rate is going crazy."

I ignored her and took off running out of the room and down the hall.

I need to get away from this!

I ran outside and across the lawn into the forest.

"Em, please talk to me. I can help."

"Emma you should come back and get some rest."

*Talk to us Emma.*

°Shut up!°

My head was cleared of their thoughts as I just focused on getting as far away from there as possible. I didn't even know how long I ran for but my lungs were on fire and I slumped onto the ground in exhaustion. I didn't recognize the forest around me.

I should probably find my way back.

I felt bad for yelling at them but I needed to clear my head for a few minutes. I could feel Alex being worried about me and it just made me feel worse. I looked up at the sky seeing the sun was going down.

I need to get back soon.

It felt like it was getting darker and darker as I walked up the mountain towards the castle, at least I think I am going the right way. Suddenly I stepped on a tree branch and it snapped, sending me falling down the mountain.

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