Chapter 15

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Larus' POV

Where is she?

I have been back at the house for twenty minutes now pacing back and forth.

"Fledgling, please come home."

"I can't Larus. Just give me some time to think."

She looked so hurt back at that house. The way she looked at Emma, made it seem like she just killed a puppy. I think I know exactly what she is going through right now because it happened with me and my maker but I don't want the same to repeat with her.

If only I would have known before I let Emma give her blood.

I should've known.

"Alexandra please. I just want to talk. I know how you feel."

There was silence for a moment then her voice filled my head, "Give me about a half an hour. I am over New York right now."

She sure does fly fast.

After about twenty five minutes, I heard her landing outside of the door. I opened it seeing her panting in her human with her hair ratted out and her clothes torn up, "What happened to you?"

She stepped inside and fell down onto the couch, "Ummm... I flew for awhile. Landed for a break... Maybe I fought with a bear for a bit... flew again and now I am here."

At least she didn't go on a killing spree like I did.

"Alrighty then... ," I sat down in the chair next to her. "Do you want to change your clothes before we talk?"

She looked over herself then laughed, "Nah, I think I am good for a few more minutes. What did you want to talk about?"

"I know how you feel right now... As you know I was an angel before I was turned. I was one of the first angels to be turned to evil. My maker was turned as a human and is one of the oldest out of all the evils. The one thing I didn't know before he was taken by the angels was that he was my mate... When we find our mates they are the only person that we protect no matter what. We never harm them, leave them, or even put them into harm's way. But young fledgling me was stupid and not experienced enough to fight when the angels came for him... When he was gone, I felt so alone. Broken that I couldn't fight to save him. So I flew off and sort of went on a killing spree. I killed anyone and anything until I finally found some sense and moved up here in this castle about twenty years ago."

She shook her head, "I-I don't think I understand Larus."

"I knew you wouldn't. Exactly like I didn't back then... Alexandra, Emma is your mate."

She burst out laughing, "Are you crazy?! I can't have a mate."

Of course she won't believe me.

"How did you feel when you were drinking her blood?"

Her face immediately went serious, "It was the best thing I ever tasted."

"And how did you feel after?"

"I felt devastated. Like I had hurt the one thing that mattered to me... I just kept thinking that she would never forgive me and that felt so horrible... Holy shit, she is my mate."

She put her head in her hands, "She is never going to forgive me. I hurt her then just left her there."

Every extinct in me pulled me to comfort her. I jumped up and wrapped my arms around her, "You didn't know. It was my fault I let her give her blood... I just don't want you to end up like I did."

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