Chapter 21

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Alexandra's POV

Hours ago...

I stood up from the body laying on the ground.

How boring. It was just another float on that literally did nothing in their life. Seriously, why can't angels do their jobs for once?!

I morphed back into my evil, walking outside, ready to take off. I stopped in my tracks feeling someone's presence. I smelt the air.

Nope, not an angel. But, not a human either.

I looked above me, zoning in on a figure flying closer. Then, I noticed the horns.

Holy shit, it's another evil!

The evil dropped down in front of me, standing at his full height which was much taller than me. His wings were even bigger than Larus' and his eyes were bright gold which contrasted with his dark skin.


Just as I was about to contact Larus, the evil lunged forward and pinned me back against the house with a hand at my throat. His deep voice snapped out at me, "If you even think about talking to your maker, I will rip you apart one piece at a time. As for your maker, I will cut off his wings and watch him blood out. Do I make myself clear?"

"Y-Yes per-perfectly."

He smiled, showing his long razor sharp teeth, "Good."

With that he hit my head against the wall causing me to black out.


I let out a groan while I tried to peel my eyes open. My head was pounding with my ears ringing.

He really had to hit my head.

"How lovely, you are awake. Now we get to have some fun."

I cringed at his voice when my ears were shocked with pain.

Shit that hurts.

I opened my eyes the rest of the way, seeing we were sitting in some old warehouse. The evil was sitting in front of me, watching my every move.

I pulled at my hands finding myself tied up on a chair. My wings were bound painfully behind me.

Maybe if I change into my human I can't relieve the pain.

I focused everything I had on changed then I felt my wings disappear and the ropes fall down. The evil stood up, "You are a smart one but, I am going to need you to change back. I don't enjoy hurting humans and you look too much like one."

He gave me a harsh slap across the face which made me let out my evil again.

Damn, he just has to make me feel threatened every time he wants my evil shown.

My throat was sore, "Wh-what are y-you doing?... you are an evil."

He laughed, "Yes I am but I am afraid I have switched sides. I work for the angels and you have broken a law."

I struggled against the restraints, "I have broken no laws."

"Oh please, I know about the human."


The evil grabbed my throat again, "Oh no you don't. I haven't gotten any info out of you yet. Where is the human?"

I shook my head only to have his grip get tighter.

"Where is she?"

He started punching me over and over again with his other hand, "Tell me. Or I will start using my claws too."

I winced at the pain, "H-Help m-me... L-Lar-us."

Instantly the evil's grip loosened on my throat. His eyes grew wide, "Did you just say Larus?"

I sneered at him, "My maker, you asshole."

The evil stepped away from me. His gold eyes looked about to water up, "He is alive?"

The hell?

I nodded, "Yes he is actually not far from where we were. Which means it will be easier for him to find you and kill you."

The evil stared at me then took his talon to cut the ropes off me, "You need to take me to him."

Hell no. Does he really think I will do that?

I hissed, "Fuck you! You will not touch my maker."

His tone made me look towards the ground, "No we need to go right now! The angels are coming."

I sighed, "Fine. But if I so much as see anything a little weird, I will help Larus tear you apart limb by limb."

With that he helped me from my chair and we took off outside towards home.

Larus' POV

I paced back and forth in my evil. Emma has tried to calm me down but it wasn't working. I only stayed with her because I didn't want to risk her life against the angels if we ran into them.

I could be looking for her. Why is this happening again?!

"Larus, stay hopeful. Maybe the weather slowed her down."

I shook my head, "She is a better flyer than me and it is a clear night."

I could tell that Emma was hurting inside.

How the hell is she staying so calm?

Out of nowhere the door burst open and Alexandra walked in. Emma instantly ran into her arms, "Oh my god! You are safe! Why do you have a black eye?!"

She got into a fight with someone.

I felt a presence of another evil outside, "Fledgling, why is there another evil here?"

She let go of Emma. Her expression changed into anger, "He said that he needed to see you. So, I brought him."

She seems pissed.

I eyed the open door, "Well if you needed to see me. Why are you staying hidden out there?"

I wasn't prepared at all for who walked into the door.

He is alive!

His gold eyes made contact with me, "Fledgling."

I could barely get words out, except for his name, "Elijah."

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