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The hustle didn't stop to stare or even give the three boys (and one girl) a passing glance. The city flowed and moved as people can car hurried down the streets. The four garnered no attention whatsoever, and Tim thanked the fact that they weren't famous and had to deal with paparazzi throughout this entire fiasco.

Tim had somehow gotten them to stop at a Starbucks so he could order a huge cup of coffee and Autumn could get a iced mocha, while Jason ended up taking a smoke. Dick had chided them about their unhealthy habit but it was a futile effort on his part.

"I forgot to mention that I went to the cave already." Dick suddenly announced as they were walking towards the zeta tubes in the city.

Jason turned to face him with a way to calm manner, "you didn't think to tell us about that, why?" He slung a arm over Dick's shoulders, his height making him all the more imposing.

Dick, however, was undeterred. The man simply shrugged. "I mean, I was kind of busy having A BREAKDOWN when I went and I just got to the entrance so I don't know if the cave is still there."

"Was the entrance there at least?" Tim took a sip of his coffee. Dick shook his head in response. Tim contemplates the new information as Jason punched the numbers in, to override the zetas.

"Ladies first," Jason said with a flourish as he opened the telephone booth's door. Dick strode in with all the dignity of Dick Grayson and Tim walked in after him rolling his eyes at Jason, followed by Autumn.

Tim breathed in the musty Gotham air and muttered, "Oh how I missed this fresh air here."

Jason snorted, "Oh yes, the oh so fresh Gotham air." Dick managed to round up the two of them, and fetch Damian so all five of them could go visit the cave.

Tim let himself get dragged through the street where people cared even less about a young man dragging two younger men down the road and two others walking a bit away from them. Tim slurped his coffee loudly, just to annoy everyone.

"If we wanted to get down into the cave, how do we get down there?" Red Robin asks. Honestly, he was to tired to even use his brain right now.

Red hood simply smirked under the helmet and held up some dynamite. "We dig, and if that's to slow then we dynamite."

"Hood! No." Nightwing growls. "You could collapse the entire cave... and the manor!"


"And Pennyworth is most likely within the manor," Robin intoned with a smirk.

Red Hood slumped. Red Robin sighed. This was getting them nowhere. "Let's infiltrate the manor grounds and jump in through old well. You know, the one where B fell into as a kid?"

"Infiltrate the manor?"

"He's not Batman, so he might have weaker security." Tim shrugs. They continued going back and forth and Tim's idea was the only worthwhile one.

It turns out that, even when Bruce wasn't Batman, he WAS still B and the manor's security was just as tight as the normal reality. Cameras, traps, lasers, all of the works and everything.

Currently, Red Robin was hacking through around 900 firewalls and hoping that B wasn't checking the cameras every five seconds, it was honestly a very sloppy job and it wouldn't take much for the man to take notice of the looped footage. Tim was really close to just screaming 'fuck it', and take up Jason's idea with the dynamite. Eventually, he got through and managed to deactivate the cameras and electricity-based traps.

The five of them climbed over the wall before dropping to the ground. "There!" Nightwing pointed to their left, where the old dried-up well sat innocently among some bushes.

Damian elbowed Dick harshly right before the acrobat took off and got the elder to finally notice the gardener strolling through the yard. The five tiptoed across the yard whenever the gardener's back was turned and hiding behind random objects, mainly bushes and trees when the man wasn't turned. When they made the short distance to the well, Dick tossed a small rock down the hole and the four listened for the sound. The deep echo that came back definitely indicated a chasm and the few seconds that passed told them how deep. Dick dived in first. Damian second, then Autumn, Tim and finally, Jason.

It was the Cave, there was no doubt there, if the giant penny and fake dinosaur was any indication. "The penny stays, but not the computer! Even the fricking dinosaur stayed, but not the tech." Tim throws his hands in the air. "I hate magic." His frustrated comment was followed by Jason's snickering. "Stop laughing at my misfortune!" Tim waggled his finger at the older man in fake anger which had Autumn trying to muffle her laughter. Dick looked to be on the verge of laughed while Damian just smirked to the side.

"Glad you find this amusing." The five froze, spinning to find where the voice came from. A blonde figure stepped out from the shadows above them and the fact that they were floating was a dead giveaway that they weren't a normal human.

"Fucking magic users," Jason growled.

"We love you too." Autumn says sarcastically.

"Wow, I'm impressed how did you know I'm using magic?" The voice lit with childish wonder that edge more on mocking than actual amazement.

Jason pulled out a gun and trained it onto the figure. "Wild guess, sweetie, but thanks for confirming it." Tim noticed they were constantly glancing at something a little ways off to the side and followed their gaze to...the floor?

Wait, no, there was a weird thing about one rock in the pile of pebbles. As the other four verbally duked it out with the witch, wizard, whatever, Tim sneaked over to the pile to pick up the rock. It was more of a crystalline structure and was slightly transparent but also cloudy. He held it up to the mystery person. "You looking for this?" He asks sarcastically. They hissed and lunged for Tim only to be stopped by a vice-like grip on their ankle, katana and escrima sticks pointed in their direction and a pang of a gun causing them to recoil their arm.

The crystal in Tim's hand glowed and on reflex he jumped almost dropping it. Suddenly, he realised what it was, it was one of those smaller crystals that surround the large one in the weird machine that caused this whole strange situation. Whatever reason this person was collect the crystals back for most probably wasn't any good.

They got in a scuffle which had a bit more explosions and incantations than a regular fight. Their opponent didn't seem to be a natural magic user and tended to reply much more on relics and artifacts than spells or anything of that sorts.

A particularly lucky shot from one of Damian's batarangs had shot a container from off their foe's belt, which rolled to stop at Tim's feet. He quickly snatched it up and notice it had two more of those crystals inside of it. The blonde had screeched and lunged for the container and Tim and Damian lashed out with their respective weapons.

It was Damian who got a slice in with his katana while Tim hit them with his staff, causing the magic welder to grab their now bleeding arm with the other. Then Jason got them with a knife on the leg and with a conflicted stare they fled into a poof of smoke. Tim held up their prizes. "Shiny rocks." Dick states.

"Great(!)" Jason says sarcastically.

"Anyways, the mage is gone, we got some stuff out of that, we should probably get out of here, there's nothing else here." Autumn says.

Tim rolled the container with the three crystals in his gloved palm. "I think that, with some help in the magic department, we could probably use these to reverse engineer what caused this."

"The whole thing?" Dick asked hopefully.

Tim winced, "Maybe not, but possibly with the crystal that Billy has. However I do have an idea for these."

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