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Near the hall, there was a silhouette sat on a tree waiting for the few to exit the infirmary. Once they all left, Autumn slipped through the open window and silently walked over to the person in the bed. Gently, she pulls the bed sheets back to reveal a gushing wound. She places her hands over the wound and Alex murmurs something in his sleep before relaxing. She sighs in relief.

She closes her eyes and begins to think about all of the good moments she has had, with everyone. Heat flew through her whole body all the way to her fingertips and once she reopened her eyes the wound on Alex's chest was gone. She leans down and gently kisses him on the head before going to leaving through the window.

Unknown to her, a certain archer, dressed in basically all purple, was watching sadly, before going and checking Alex's vitals, and stab wound, to make sure he healed correctly.

When Bruce walked out of his and Diana's room, the last thing he expected to see was Conner Kent walk past his door with a blissful look. "Conner?"

The Kryptonian jumps about a foot in the air before turning to Bruce. "Yes, Mr Wayne?"

"What are you doing here?"

"Erm..." Conner laughs nervously and pulls his collar up, self-consciously. "I just wanted to see Tim and make sure that he was okay after... everything."

"And the bites?" Bruce motions to the bright purple bite marks on Conners neck. He blushes deeply and looks down.

"Bruce, leave him alone." Diana grabs his arm tugging him back into their room. "Sorry Conner."

"It's okay. Thank you, Mrs. Wayne."

"You're welcome, and I told you to call me Diana."

"Right. Sorry. Are you okay with... this?" Conner motions to the marks on his neck.

"Do you love him?" Diana asks, seriously.

"Very much." Conner rubs the marks subconsciously.

"Then no. I don't mind." She nods. "So long as you take care of my son."

"Mom!" Tim's voice whines causing both of them to turn around. "You're embarrassing him! And me!"


"Come on." Tim pulls on Conner's arm and drags him away.

"I don't think that helped."

"Wait 'till you meet the rest of the batfam."

"I've already met them." Conner corrects.

"Yeah. But then we weren't dating now come on." Tim drags him down the stairs and Conner goes willingly.

"How bad is this gonna end?"

"You'll be threatened with kryptonite and that's pretty much it." Tim shrugs dragging Conner through the manor into the dining room. "Morning Alfie."

The fount door opens followed by Autumn walking through before lifting about two inches off the ground and floating into the kitchen moving around with ease.

A patter from the hallway caused everyone to look up only for Nicholas to walk into the room followed by Kaia. The two look around the room before their eyes set on Autumn and the two jump at her, causing her to willingly go to the ground with a laugh. "I missed you too." She giggles, however the two instantly notice the sadness in her voice.

"Air okay?" Kaia asks.

"Fine. I'm fine." Autumn nods before floating to stand up the two in her arms. She looks around the room before her eyes settle and Conner and she smirks. "Busy day?" She asks teasingly.

"Shut up." He blushes and pulls his collar up further. Damian walks into the room with Jon on his tail.

"What have you two been doing?" Tim smirks causing Job to blush and Damian to scowl further.

"Mind our of the gutter, Timothy. We simply enjoyed each other's comfort. It seems that you and the clone were more eventful." Damian responds with a smirk.

"Shut up, Demon brat." Tim hisses. The two look up at the sound of giggling to see Autumn has placed the two toddlers in there highchairs and now has a hand over her mouth stopping her from full on laughing.

"Sorry." She giggles lightly. "Just reminds me of home." She looks down briefly before looking back up at Conner and smirking. "So, two and a half years waiting finally paid off, eh?"

"Two and a half years?!" Tim gasps.

Kon nods at Autumn, "technically, two and a third."

"Wait, they were not together before?" Damian asks. "I thought they were."

"No we were, good friends. We still are just we're... more now." Tim shrugs.

Jon drops his head on the table with a quiet groan. "I owe Bart $10."

"You bet on them?"

"I bet they'd get together in November and he bet any other month else."

"You are a bad influence on my baby brother, Dami." Autumn sighs.

"Autumn!" Jon complains.

"So, are you two together yet?" Tim asks.

"I... do not understand." Damian admits.

"He means, are we dating." Jon translates.

"Oh. Yes." Damian shrugs with a small actual smile.

"I suggest you hurry up and eat before it goes cold." Alfred says in a disappointed tone. "You too, Master Nicholas."

Tim and Autumn step out of the Zeta tube and are instantly crowded around, by the Titans, asking several questions.

"So, this is we're you went. After all this time, I didn't think I'd see you again." Autumn says, stood behind Jaime but her eyes weren't on him. The scarab chitters and she scoffs. "Yeah, that's why." Khaji chitters aggressively at her. "Relax, I'm just messing. But I did miss you." One of Khaji Da's tendrils reach out and wrap around her wrist. She gently pets him on the head and he chitters happily.

"I'm confused." Jaime admits just standing there, allowing her to touch the scarab fused to him.

"Sorry. I met Scarab when I worked for Ted Kord. Both of us been alien, we got along well. Until Kord industries blew up. When I couldn't find Scarab, I did a world wide search for anything weird, but nothing came up. Then a few months later, I learnt about you. Well, Blue Beetle I found out your identity, and well, here we are." Autumn explain. Khaji squeezes her wrist and she looks at him. He chitters and she giggles. "And I can obviously understand him."

"Why don't you call him by his name?"

Autumn blushes, all the way to her ears. "I... I can't pronounce it properly, so I call him Scarab and he's okay with it. Aren't you?" Scarab chitters, in agreement
and squeezes her wrist again before untangling himself from her.

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