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"Ow!" Tim hisses as Jason jabbed him with a suture needle. Funny enough, Jason was the best at stitching out of the four of them. They had Alfred and Leslie to help clean their wounds whilst Jason did this by himself. And that turned out that Jason's hand was considerably steadier than Dick or Damian's or Autumn who was sat with her head down, not looking, needles were weird.

"Stop been a baby, Tim." Jason rolls his eyes.

Damian was watching off to the side with his arms crossed. "I could've dodged that, Drake."

Tim sniffed. "Would it hurt you to just say thanks?"

Damian's eyes narrowed. "Yes, yes it would." Dick snorted, Jason gave the younger a bewildered look whilst Tim sputtered.

"What the heck, Dami?" Jason asked, incredulous in the face of Damian joking. Damian merely shrugged and turned away. They finished stitching Tim up in silence.

"Batson contacted me." Autumn points out.

"What did he want?"

"He's been attacked by the enemy mage. He warns us that the enemies may be making advances to recreating the machine that made this reality."

"And the stars align to make me even more miserable!" Tim groans.

"What else is there?" Dick asked.

Tim dragged out a long-suffering sigh. "Lex Luthor wanted to make a move as well."

Jason snorted but seemed curious, "Why do you know that, Tim?"

Tim shrugged. Without preamble, he started, "Fun fact: We're ALL villains in this reality."

Jason's eyes lit up with amusement, "Oh, do tell, little brother. How are you a villain?"

"You ever wonder how Draken, without Batman, came to be a hero and living with the Kents?"

Dick made an 'oh' face, pointing a finger at the boy on the bed, "Draken was picked up by Luthor!"

Tim nodded. With sarcastic jazz hands, he announced, "Ta-da! I'm the spy anyways."

Jason just started laughing. Dick frowned and whacked the man over the head while Damian just watched Tim with a tilted head. Tim stared back at his youngest brother, cocking his own head as well. Damian took it as a 'go-ahead' to say what he's thinking. "The reality altering device may have achieved its purpose after all." He strode forward and handed his comm to Tim. "Batman is no longer a hero and his Robins are all villains. It's rather perfect, isn't it?"

"Then, why activate it again?"

Jason answered those time, "some items stayed. But if they make it again, more powerful they could erase those things."

"So they need to fire it again? Like a second layer, in this new reality to achieve their true goal." Autumn asks.

Understanding dawned on Dick as his face grew grim. "Their goal of erasing Batman from the entire timeline. And us, by proxy."

Donna watched quietly as Cassie fumed, Bart remained despondent and Beast Boy looked among the group, in a state of disbelief. Kon was staring out one of the jets many windows, face carefully blank. Donna picked at her chair uncomfortable in the tension of the small jet. "I can't believe him. We trusted him! We trusted them! I trusted them! ARGH!" Cassie chucked a pillow at a wall. "Gods, what has he been telling them? What do they know about us?"

"How much do you think they lied about?" Gar asks quietly eyes focused on the blank wall. "Something doesn't fell right." Donna couldn't respond to that.

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