Was it a dream?

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When he awoke, Jaime Reyes jumped up causing him to fall off the bed, due to been tangled up in the bed sheets. The sheets fell off him and he was left naked with Bart laid on top of him slowly waking up. "Was it a dream?" Bart asks quietly.

"If you mean what I think you mean then, I don't think so." Jaime responds somehow pulling the speedster closer. "You do mean the whole, other reality, correct?"

"Yeah." Bart nods against Jaime's bare chest. "Is your leg okay?"

"Don't know. Haven't stood up yet, and I don't plan on it." Jaime shrugs. "You know, you could have told me, you wanted to touch Khaji. He wouldn't have minded."

"I know. You told me that. For now, I think I just want to hold you both." Bart sighs.

"I'm okay with that." Jaime nods and Bart gently places a hand on the scarab at the bottom of his spine. Jaime tensed before relaxing. Khaji Da gave chitters of happiness and Bart places his other hand on the scarab making him chitter louder.

"Is this okay?"

"Fine." Jaime nods. Khaji?

I am okay Jaime Reyes. Khaji Da responds, in Jaime's head. Perfect. He chitters happily.

"I'm gonna sleep now." Bart digs his head deeper into Jaime's chest. "Night."

"No. No. Come on, Corazon up. Gotta get back in bed at le—" Jaime got cut off by Bart snoring quite loudly. Jaime sighs and somehow gets out of Bart's grip, to get dressed and go downstairs, after putting Bart back in bed.

Donna woke up, to crying and instantly she knew who it was. She sped over to the baby's room and quietly opens the door to see her two baby's. She gently picks up Owen and rocks him in her arms before staring to feed him happy that she's back home.

Jason jumped through the window into his apartment/safe house bedroom, only to not find the person he was looking for asleep. "Red?!"

"In here!" Artemis calls from in the bathroom. Jason walks over to see her looking in the mirror.

"Are you okay?" He asks quietly.

"I just... had a weird dream."

"It wasn't a dream, Red." Jason tells her, walking up behind her and pulling her into a hug. "It wasn't a dream. I missed you."

"I'm sorry." She whispers. Jason pulls his helmet off and kisses her deeply.

Dick drops through the window, in his full Nightwing gear, to find his wife in the kitchen leaning against a countertop nursing what seems to be a headache. "Troia?"

Donna looks up and turns around quickly to find Nightwing looking at her worried. "Dick?"

"Yeah. It's me." He nods.

She walks across the room and gently pulls his mask off. "It wasn't a dream, was it?"

"No. It wasn't." Dick shakes his head. "Are you okay?"

"I'm okay. I just missed you. And I am going to show you just how much. Come on."

"Wait, I need to see the kids." Dick tells her. "I need to make sure their okay. Then you can have me all to yourself."

"Okay, I'll meet you in the bedroom." Dick walks into the baby's room to see his twins asleep.

Seeing his kids there and alive made him very happy and knowing that his wife was back, and waiting for him in there bedroom made him even more happy. He walks over to them and Claire mummers some baby-talk in her sleep followed by Owen murmuring something else. He walks out of the room and quietly closes the door behind him before going to the bedroom to find his wife waiting for him. He walks over to her and kisses her, pushing her down gently.

When Conner awoke, he was floating over his bed. Slowly, he landed back on the mattress before getting up. Someone, was knocking on his door, quickly. He opened the door and Jon walked in, talking just shy of speed-talking. "So, I was asleep and I have this crazy dream that the birds were..."

"...evil along with Autumn." Conner finishes. "I don't think it was a dream, Jon, I think it actually happened."

"I'm going to Gotham." Jon slides the window open and sits on the window ledge.

"Wait. Batman won't like that."

"I don't care. I have to see that everything is okay."

"I'm coming too then." Kon joins him and the two fly off to Gotham together.

Diana was sat in the library when the clock opened and after a second Tim was sat next to her hugging her. "Tim, are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Tim nods, and Diana could feel tear seeping through her shirt. "I missed you, Mom."

"You weren't even gone for an hour." She reminds him.

"You don't know what I'm talking about?"

"I... I do." Diana admits, hugging Tim closer. "I'm sorry I didn't remember you."

"It's okay."

Damian was sat in his room, drawing when a gentle knock on his balcony door made him look up. He walks over, and knowing who it is, he opens the door, Jon lands gently on the floor. Jon gave him a familiar look and Damian sighs, then nods. Jon gave him a smile before pulled him into a hug. Damian's hands stayed by his sides but he excepted the hug. "Please, just this once?" Damian gave a small smile and wraps his arms around Jon, placing his head on his shoulder. "Thank you."

"Are you okay?" Damian asks.

"I need to know if it was real?"

"It was real."

"All of it?" Jon's voice was so quiet and Damian knew what he was talking about.

"All of it... Beloved."

"Good. I thought I was dreaming that bit again."

"Again?" Damian smirks. "Glad to know you dream about me."

"All of my dreams are about you." Jon tells him. "I'm sorry I forgot about you."

"It's okay."

"No, it's not!" Jon erupts causing Damian to jump slightly, from the usual happy-go-luck teen been angry. "Sorry. Just, it's not okay. Dami, you mean a lot to me and I forgot you because of some stupid magic crystals!"

"Hey, Jon, it's okay." Damian gently rubs Jon's back. "It's okay, don't worry, you forgot Jon it's normal, it's what that machine was made for."

"What happened to that machine?" Jon changes topics.

Damian took the hint and responded, "Todd blew it up. It's gone, we also got rid of the crystals we found."



"I think, I love you."

"I know I'm in love with you." Damian responds, pulling Jon closer.

When Tim got back to his room he didn't expect to see Conner in his bed, shirtless, half laying, half sitting up. He said the first thing that came to his mind, "this is another dream, right?"

"No." Kon shakes his head slightly. "I need to talk to you."

"Do you wanna put a shirt on first?" Tim couldn't help but ask.

"No, why are you cold?" Kon asks looking over at him.

"No..." Tim started before realising what Kon meant. "Yes." He corrects himself. Kon held his arm and Tim was by his side instantly, laying next to him placing his hand on Kon's hard abdomen, curling into him. "What do you want to talk about?"

"I didn't keep my memories..." Kon whispers. Tim looks at him confused before remembering what he had said before the world got reset.

"Well then... we can't have that can we?" Tim asks sarcastically, running a hand down Kon's chest and back up.

"...and I seem to remember a Bird promising to give me new memories if they didn't stay."

"Yes. Yes I did." Tim nods. Kon pulls him in but Tim stops him. "If we're going to do this we're going to do this slowly, understood?" Kon gave him a smile and a nod.

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