Wayne Tower

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Tim and Bart were the first to be dropped off. Bart was excited to get to work with Tim. He felt like he hadn't gotten a chance to properly talk to Tim in a while. As Kid Flash and Draken made their way around the dark hallways of the building the speedster had tried to strike up a conversation. "I noticed you don't want to go on missions as much anymore." Tim grunted noncommittally. "How's Richard and...uh, Pete, was it?"

"Peter." Tim corrects. He waved his hand in a vague gesture, "Peter's... mopey. And a pain in the ass, but also great. Richard's been fine." They turned a corner, only to bump into a security guard. Tim knocked the guy out with a strike to the stomach and vagus nerve out of complete reflex. Even Bart hasn't had chance to respond.

"Holy mackerel, Tim! What was that?" Bart whooshed around Tim to prod the unconscious guard.

To Bart, it seemed like even Tim was surprised by his own actions. He stared at his own hand in strange mock horror. "I don't know, oh my gosh!" Bart took pity on Tim and patted the other hero gently on the shoulder before moving on to propping the guard on a wall out of view of the cameras.

Tim shook himself out of his false stupor and moved over to help Bart. "We can move to the next area when Victor and Jaime get the cameras looping. Hurry," Tim hissed. When did he get so serious and bossy? Bart frowned but followed Tim wordlessly. It's important to listen to Tim on missions after all—

Wait. What? Bart's brows frowned even further if that was possible. No one can say if it was how much Bart was frowning or the extended silence from the normally chatty speedster that had Tim turn around and ask, "Is something the matter?"

"Oh, um, I'm just worried for you, you know? You've been distant lately and going out and stuff, so I wanted to see how you were doing and—"

"Bart." Tim clasps a hand onto the rambling speedsters shoulder. "I'm fine."

"You sure?"

"I'm positive," Tim reassured the boy before turning back to the mission. "Cyborg gave the signal, now come on." Tim managed to brush off the prodding questions that Bart had thought up, answering vaguely enough to not give away to much information, but with enough details that it came across as
an answer. They reached the door to Bruce's private office. Of course, it was locked digitally so they had to wait for Cyborg to unlock it.

Bart didn't have a clue what Draken was contemplating but he was clearly thinking something as Tim stared at the fingerprint scanner. He didn't even give a reaction when the door clicked open. Bart nudged Tim as the brunette went to open the door. The room behind the door was everything and nothing like what Bart thought it would look like. Large windows in the back that led to a balcony, a high ceiling, a dark table with computers. But the files and papers all scattered around the room weren't something Bart thought the inside of the billionaire's office would look like.

Tim made his way around the room with ease and over to the unlock the window for the others. Bart was about to warn Tim that there might be security on the windows when Tim swung it open with no difficulty. No alarms blared so Bart figured they were safe and so he kept quiet. Tim spoke into their comms. "Okay, window's open, send in the others." Jaime, Kon, Autumn and Cassie all quickly flew into the room.

Jaime shuffled over to the computer and began doing his thing with Victor assisting over the comms and Gar watching over his shoulder. Kon and Cassie took their posts by the doorway, making sure there's no one approaching. Wally, Autumn and Roy were guarding the exit on the balcony, and Wally was giving occasional tips on hacking for Jaime.

They settled into some sort of charged silence as they worked, all on edge and ready to run at the slightest sign of movement.

Which was probably why the sudden, "FUCK" from above scared them so much. Jaime fell out of his chair, Kon face planted into the door, Cassie tripped, Tim flipped onto the sofa in the corner, Bart had clambered on top of Wally and Gar had turned into a cat as Autumn floated in the air watching with mild amusement.

Then the vent dropped and Jaybird fell into the room. It was apparent that he hasn't noticed the audience yet when he pointing an accusing finger into the hole in the vent he fell out of and then yelled, "I told you the vent wasn't going to support my weight. But did you listen? Nooooo, of course not, you dick!"

Nightwing then slipped out of the broken vent with grace whilst replying, "Well, we made it into B's of-" He then noticed that they weren't alone. "Oh no. I am so not feeling the aster." Wordlessly, Robin dropped down. He immediately stiffened at all the eyes on him.

Autumn took the lead when no one spoke up, "What are you doing here?"

Jaybird got up the floor and dusted himself off before shrugging and answering like a question, "Our taxes?" A muffled snort came from the direction of the balcony.

Tim had snorted somewhere off to the side as well. Internally, however he was screaming all the curses that he knew (which was a lot) at the newcomers. Nightwing gave them awkward finger guns, "How about we pretend we never saw each other and be on our merry way?"

Bart zipped his way in front of the taller vigilante, "What? No! You're here to steal stuff!"

"And you aren't?" Robin asked dryly,

Bart sputtered, "That's different!"

"How?" The kid crosses his arms

"Because we're the good guys."

"Really? Says who?" Flustered and at a loss for words, Bart didn't react when Robin breezed past him towards the computer. He shoved Jaime aside then took over the computer.

"Good luck, kid. That encryption is tight, even Cyborg is having trouble with it. There's no way you could crack i-" Gar stopped mid-sentence when he noticed Robin was in and was already sorting through the files on the computer. "How?"

Nightwing smirked, "Who needs to crack the encryption when you've got the password?" He plugged in a device to the computer and leaned over Robin to start downloading everything. Whatever tech they were using, it downloaded incredibly quick and Nightwing and Robin were already walking away by the time Gar and Jaime got their bearings back. "Thanks for the hospitality." Nightwing chirps walking to the door. Before he could reach it a red streak and then Wonder Girl was standing in his way. Nightwing's entire body stiffened while Jaybird and Robin both took a protective step in front of the blue and black-clad vigilante.

"Not so fast." Donna Troy states, waiting for someone to tell her what to do.

"This is sensitive information, don't let them get away with it." Kaldur deciders quickly.

Donna nods. "Sorry. But you can't have that." Jaybird lunged, knocking Donna clean off her feet. Nightwing pulled out his weapons, two sticks apparently, and jabbed Jaime on his back and Gar across the head. Robin descended on Bart like a tiny hurricane. But then Cassie, Roy, and Kon joined the fray and suddenly the 8v3 fight turned in their favor, which was a bit embarrassing, to be honest.

An arm reached out and grabbed Draken's cape and he turned ready to hit the culprit when he realised that it was Jason. An unmistakable click of a gun caused the whole room to freeze. Jaybird was holding Draken at gunpoint. "I advise you to leave us alone before something terrible were to happen to... this guy." Tim groaned internally, what deity did he piss off in a past life to deserve this?

Jaybird, Nightwing, and Robin all backed out of the room with Tim in tow. They all dived off the roof in a practiced maneuver they have  memorized from the amounts of times they had to jump off that exact balcony.

Note to self: stop jumping off that balcony. Tim couldn't help think.

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