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Kon flew up to the others and sat besides Jon. No-one seemed to be surprised by his sudden appearance. "Plan?"

Dick nodded, "We're hoping to have two teams, team 1 will burst through the front door as a distraction while team 2 drops in from this window and approach the machine. Hopefully when we need to act this plan out, Tim and Billy will have figured out the machine and Marvel can help team 1."

"I'm going to assume that me, you, and Jon will be on team 1 as well?"

Dick nodded. "Donna, Jason and Dami will sneak in. Donna's quick and the other two have ninja training. Tim will go with them, and after that, we'll see."

Kon hummed in contemplation before asking, "And what do we do if the League or Titan arrive?"

Someone elbowed his side and Kon turned to face Jason looking at him with a grin on his face. "We wing it, like usual." He then leaned in closer and whispered, "hurt my brother and you'll find out what a kryptonite bullet to the ass feels like."

"We're talking about this here?" Kon asks quietly.

"Yes. We are, it's an impo—"

Jason was cut off by Jon clearing his throat. "Can we not talk about this now?"

"I'm planning on threatening you too, about looking after my little brother, don't worry."

"Excuse me?!" Damian screeches quietly.

"Look!" Kon points to something. "Artemis is here." The super could hear the jet pull in on a rooftop not too far away.

"Figures that our luck would turn out that way," Donna shrugged. She had an arm around Dick, and in return, the bird was tucked flush to the Amazon's side. Damian cast a look over the two and blanched. Jon was snickering at his side.

"Tim told me to catch Artemis up when she gets her so I'm gonna head over, you keep tabs over here."

It wasn't hard to locate Artemis the team weren't exactly quiet. Kon touched down on the roof just as they began filing out of the jet. Artemis saw him first. "How's it looking?"

"There's a lot of them," Conner informed her seriously, "Ra's, Klarion, Manta, Lex, just to name a few."

"Would you mind telling me what is happening?" Cassie demanded, butting into the conversation.

"You didn't tell her?" Kon asked Artemis. She simply shrugged.

"Not everything, I mean, what am I supposed to say?"

"Oh, that's fair," Kon sighed, "Okay, follow me and don't freak out." Kon lead them to the rooftop with Tim on landing with a soft shuffle.

Tim had his back to them when everyone arrived at the rooftop, so they didn't recognize him at first. In a strange moment of deja vu, Tim slowly turned around, "I've been expecting you." Everyone except Artemis and Kon seemed to be on the defence sliding into fighting stances. Tim rolled his eyes while Captain Marvel at his side held his hands up in a surrender pose. "Artemis, has Kon told you the plan yet?"

All the head swiveled to the two called out, noting their relaxed posture. Artemis shook her head, "I think it'll be better if you explained, Red."

"YOU'RE WORKING WITH THEM?!" Cassie glanced frantically between Tim and Kon and Artemis with a twinge of desperation in her gaze.

Tim sighed, "I know what you're thinking, so, no. We did not brainwash them."

"Why should we believe you?" Gar growls.

"You don't have much of a choice." Tim turns with an over-dramatic flick of his black and yellow cape. "Got it figured out?"

Captain Marvel nods. "I think so, yeah."

"Great, we should probably go help the others." Tim stated flatly, unbothered by his audience. Marvel scooped up the older boy and floated off, only casting a quick glance at them. Cassie grabbed Artemis and Kon when they went to follow.

"What did they tell you? Are they blackmailing you? You can't possibly be joining up with them too, right?" It was clear that the girl was distressed and the sudden what she believed to be betrayals were taking their toll on her emotional stability.

Bart was also not doing well thinking that both of his best friends were evil. The rest of the team also looked to be in various stages of shock, disbelief, and betrayal. "It isn't what you think, and you need to stop seeing everything in black and white." Kon says as he pulled free from Cassie's grip. "You've got it backwards, I'm not brainwashed, you are."

Cassie recoiled. "I—what?" Artemis took this chance to slip out of her grasp as well, for normally, the girl's strength would have Artemis indefinitely trapped.

"The general gist of it: Your memory has been altered. You forgot about the bats. The end. Now—"

Something exploded behind Kon. Said super pinched the bridge of his nose. "Please don't tell me that the warehouse behind me just exploded."

Bart winced, looking behind Kon. "The warehouse behind you didn't explode?" His voice rose in pitch at the end, clearly lying.

"Ten bucks it was Jason been trigger happy."

"Twenty says it was Dick." Artemis responds almost instantly. The two paused for a second staring at each other. "We should go help."

"We really should." Cassie and the other team member's head swiveled back as fourth in the exchange like watching a tennis match, but clearly not following. Artemis and Kon didn't bother to enlighten her, only holding their unofficial staring contest for a little longer.

Jon shot up to them in that instance startling those who didn't see him coming. "Ra's and Lex brought a whole army! The plan is completely thrown out the window... literally." Artemis cursed in Greek and Kon just sighed. There's the predictable unpredictability about working with the bats. It was strangely familiar, whilst unwelcome.

Not a minute later, the entirety of the team was dragged into the fight, well, closer to the fight. There was a clear epicenter of the fight, a direction all the ninjas and other goon were running towards. And... was that an alien? Not that Kon had any right to judge at all.

"Is that Donna?" Cassie shouted, pointing at a figure in the fight. It was indeed Donna Troy, who was fighting back to back with Dick as they worked, wordlessly and effortlessly, together.

"Yes." Artemis answers even though it was obvious. "But that machine is more important."

"Red's figured out how to reverse the effects, we just need to follow his orders on how to reconfigure the machine to do undo this." Kon nods in agreement.

"This'll be fun(!)"

"You treat this like its normal." Cassie cuts in.

Autumn flew by eliciting to answer that, "it kinda is."

"Just help with keeping the goons back." Kon adds then dives in and joins the fray.

The team didn't have another choice in the matter. Afterall, Ra's and Lex and all the other villains were still their enemies.

Cassie quickly realized that these guys were eerily similar to those untiring monsters from the gala. While these guys seemed to go down, more just kept appearing and it got to the point that Cassie was thinking they just recovered after being out of commission for a while.

It also kind of scared her how easy it was to work with the birds. Especially Tim with the bo-staff and throwing star-thingys. They were getting tired but it seemed the numbers were going down.

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