Hurt Jaime

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Nightwing watched Donna pull on the lasso and then punch one of the ninja's before turning to him and raising an eyebrow. "Nothing, I just missed you." Dick shrugs, ending up back to back
with his wife.

Donna deflects a bullet with her bracers before turning to Dick, "I missed you too." She assures him before wrapping her lasso around another ninja, pulling them in and punching them unconscious.

"Someone get Ra's!" Tim calls over comms.

"STOP!" Everyone turns to look up to find Lex stood on one of the upper walkways. "This machine could give you anything you want, if you'd let us activate it."

"Is he actually playing peace maker?" Kon asks over the comms.

"Can I...?" Autumn points at Lex as he continues talking.

"Don't kill him." Tim orders but nods.

"Yeah. Yeah." She sighs, flying up. She flys at straight at Lex. "Shut up." The two fall off the walkway and Lex summons his suit causing the two start fighting in midair, ducking under blasts from the other.

"Should we help?" Jon asks.

"I think she's got it." Jason responds. "Lots of pent up anger." He add to duck when Lex went flying through a wall near him. "Told you."

"GET RA'S! Jeez." Tim calls out.

"Sorry." Bart speeds over to the Demon's Head only for Damian to down down from... somewhere and slash at Ra's, causing him to turn quickly and block Damian's katana with his own.

"I've got him, help your boyfriend." Damian nods in Jaime's direction. Bart looked conflicted and Damian sighs. "Jon!"

Jon appeared by Damian's side after a brief pause. "It's okay. You can trust him." Bart nods then speeds off. Jon turns back to his best friend to find him glaring at Ra's who was now getting closer to the lead-lined compartment in his belt.

"Go." Damian whispers.


"Now, beloved."

"Fine." The younger sighs before speeding off.

Damian turned around. "Just you and me now, grandfather, no need for any kryptonite." Damian aims at the back of Ra's leg only for him to block the strike. Jaime let out a yelp and Damian turned, distracted, before yelping quietly and griping his now bleeding upper arm. He spun and brought his sword down, slicing into Ra's leg. The older let out a quiet groan and faltered slightly allowing heat vision to hit him in the side followed by three daggers, from above, trapping Ra's to the wall as Damian groaned gripping his still bleeding arm tighter.

Jon appeared by his side whispering, "You idiot."

Damian let out a small laugh, "sorry beloved, I didn't want you getting hurt."

"He says whilst nursing a bleeding arm." The younger sighs wrapping Damian's arm up in some bandages, he got from... somewhere. "Are you okay?"

"Fine, beloved. Thank you." Damian whispers the last bit as quietly as possible.

Jaime was currently holding his bleeding leg whilst hissing, "can't you do something," to the Scarab.

"Jaime Reyes, I am an alien, not a miracle worker." Khaji Da responds working on healing Jaime. "It is a deep wound it will take at least 5 minutes to fully heal."

"Take your time!" Bart calls sarcastically from where he was holding ninjas back, occasionally glancing at his boyfriend.

"I need at least 5 minutes!" Jaime calls back. "But I can work with it." Jaime slowly stood up from where he was leaning against a wall only to fall back down, into someone's arms. He looks up and groans, "maybe not."

"Heal." Bart places him back down against the wall and kisses him on the head, before speeding off again.


As Bart was helping protect Jaime, Cassie and Donna were working on getting through the protective bubble surrounding the machine that caused this mess. "So... a talon?" Cassie asks.

"In the normal reality Dick's not a talon. Just a vigilante, and police officer. I'm not stupid, Cassie, I wouldn't date an actual talon." Donna assures her then pauses briefly. "No offence, Dick!"

"None taken." Is called back, from a certain, not-really-a-talon, talon.

"Isn't it weird?" Cassie asks.

"What weird?" Donna asks in response, hitting the shield harder.

"Not weird but scary. You could break him with your hands. Don't you fear that?"

"Sometimes. But I can control it most times. I think that everyone with super strength fears that, but when you can control it, it's nicer, easier and you're less worried about hurting your partner." Donna responds. The only noises for a few brief seconds were the shield been hit and the fighting happening around them. "I think I've an idea."

"What is it?"

"I think that everyone needs to blast it at the same time." Donna voices her idea.

"May as well try it."

"Just a sec!" Autumn calls from above. She grabbed Lex and threw him into the wall, knocking him unconscious with a burst nose. Slowly, she landed on the floor besides Donna. "What are we doing?"

"Everybody needs to fire at the same time." Donna responds. "I think that if we do that, then we'll overwhelm the shield with pressure, and power and it burst."

"We may as well try, we've got no other way through this." Autumn sighs.

"I'm gonna need a... second." Kaldur's voice comes through the comms, closely followed by a groan.

"You want some help?"

"No." He's quick to respond. "Just give me a minute."

After a minute, Kaldur joins the circle that the teams had made around the shield. "Okay. All at once everyone fire your powers, Jason rockets, birds explosives. Ready?" Everyone nods. "Fire!"

Under the pressure of all the weapons/powers, the force field had no choice but to burst. They all had duck from the burst of magic that it caused but everyone recovered, fairly quickly. "Everyone okay?" Cassie asks.

She got responses of, "fine," just in different forms from everyone, along with a "I hate magic" from Jason.

"Tim, how long will it take for you to get the machine running?" Autumn asks, looking around. Ra's had managed to get away from the knifes that were sticking him to the wall, along with a few of his ninjas recovering.

"Around 7 minutes." He responds.

"You have 5, get working." She orders. Tim nods and gets to work on getting the machine running. "Everyone else, fight like your life's depend on it... 'cause they kinda do." Jason swaps the rubber bullets in his gun for real ones. "No kill shots,
for anyone."

Jason nods, holding back a sigh and Dick grabs out his Eskrima sticks, before engaging some ninjas, Damian grabs out his sword before going to engage his grandfather once again, backed this time by Jon and Jason. Everyone else splits up whilst Billy stays with Tim incase he needs any help with the magic bits needed for the machine.

Aa few minutes later Tim calls out, "I need one of those stick, Dick!" Dick turns around and looks at Tim confused. "Eskrima sticks!" Tim clarifies. Dick throws one of the Eskrima sticks over, and Tim catches it without even looking, before Dick turns and shocks another ninja. "We may wanna get clear. I don't know if this will 100% work!"

"Just do it!" Everyone yells. Tim activates the machine and a bright light blinds the whole room causing everyone to cover their eyes.

When the birds reopened their eyes, they were no longer in that abandoned warehouse they were in the place they were before this whole situation happened. "Should we go?" Autumn asks.

"Yeah." The others nod. "Let's go."

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