*Chapter 17*

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Two weeks had gone by and Jimin had kept his promise by going to see the elder everyday, well almost. He had managed, with the help from Yoongi, to go whenever Jungkook or Taehyung weren't there seeing how he would have a hard time explaining his presence to them. 

 He was astonished by how well he got along with Yoongi, the boy would just make it so easy. Whether it was with his calm demeanor , his personality, his wit or his incredibly interesting way of thinking, Jimin couldn't get enough of him. The hours just weren't long enough whenever he was with him.

The orange haired male hadn't seen much of his boyfriend lately but had stopped caring about it ever since he noticed just how much Hoseok seemed unbothered by it all. Those two hardly spoke and not once had he tried to explain to the younger or even come talk to him.

 At first Jimin would come up everyday and offer to hang out or eat together but would get shut down by him each time. It resulted in him getting fed up and not going after the redhaired boy anymore. Taehyung still wouldn't talk to him either seeing how Jimin had failed to go apologize. 

 Weirdly enough all those things didn't keep the younger from being happy since all he needed to smile was to think of Yoongi and one of the many amazing things he had shared with the younger.

Yoongi's P.O.V

Today was Saturday and I was finally going out of the hospital after being there for almost a month. The hospital had called my parents who had refused to come which led to my elder sister to come and sign me out as well as accompany me through the pshycic evaluation  I had to go through after my attempted "suicide". 

Coincidentally, today was also the day the seniors left the high school, and so in a couple of hours a big ceremony would be held at the school and I sure as hell wasn't going to miss that. Jungkook soon arrived with Namjoon, they helped me gather my belongings and check  out before quickly heading to school so that Namjoon wouldn't be late for his graduation.

Sitting in front of the podium where the seniors were passing one by one, I saw Jimin with a tall, black haired man and a smaller blonde woman, probably Jin's parents. What caught my eye was the couple, seated next to them with whom they were chatting, Namjoon's parents.

Since when do Seokjin's parents talk to Namjoon's?

"Kim Jongdae"

"Kim Jungmyeon!" I watched as Suho walked up the stage to receive his diploma under the hungry stares of the girls.

"Kim Minseok!"

"Kim Namjoon!" The principal called. 

All the seniors, some juniors and sophomore clapped for him as he got up on the stage to receive his diploma.

"Kim Seokjin!" Again the students applauded and the list went on. 

After what felt like two years but were only two hours, the whole ceremony was over and the students were allowed to go back home. I was about to leave as well when a small hand wrapped around my wrist. 

I turned around and was suprised to find who was holding on to me.


"Hi, Yoongi" Jimin smiled his eye crescent smile and I had to breathe deeply. 

"What's up?"

"Oh um, I wanted to know if maybe we could grab a coffee?"

"Right now?" I see him nod, his fluffy hair bouncing cutely in the process.

"Aren't you celebrating with Seokjin?"

"Oh, well I want to give him some time with his parents"

"But aren't you like part of their family now?"

"I am, they actually thought I was going to the restaurant and all with them but uh I want to let Jin be celebrate this big day with just him and his parents"

"Oh, that's so kind of you Jimin. Tell you what, I'll come pick you up at seven and I'll take you to dinner, since the rest of your family is going to the restaurant, you should too"

"Oh no, it's okay Yoongi. We can go to a coffee shop or something"

"Or something? Something like a restaurant?" I hear him chuckle.

"You know that's not what I meant"

"Too bad, cause I'm taking you anyway."

"Wait, you have a car?" 

"Yes Jimin, I have a car. Why?" I answer and laugh at his question.

"I just never see you with it"

"Well you only see me at school or in the hospital, and I walk to school " I say and stuff my hands in my pockets.

"Right. You come with your bike as well"

"True" I chuckle and shake my head. "Oh by the way, what are Namjoon's parents doing with Seokjin's?"

"I don't know, it's weird. Apparently, they know each other, and you should have seen Namjoon and Jin. They were sitting next to each other and were talking and laughing, it's so weird. Last time Jin hated Namjoon because of what he did to me"

"Hmm, did you ask him?"

"Yeah and he said I shouldn't worry about it. Whatever that means"

"Come on, carrots, get changed. I'll be there soon"  I chuckle and ruffle Jimin's hair.

"Goodbye, Yoongi hyung" I waved and went back home to change.


I come in and go straight to my bedroom, and start rummaging through my closet trying to find something to wear but I had no nice clothes. What should I do? I couldn't dress up casually, it would ruin the whole night. 

"Screw this" Taking out my phone I dial Jungkook's number.

"Hey, Kook?"

"I need your help with something"

"Can I come over?"

"Thanks buddy, see you soon" I hang up and hop in my car, driving to Jungkook's house.

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