o n e

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_.dolphin added na.jaemin, jeno.xx, full.sun and 3 others

_.dolphin hey guys!!

marklee Sup

marklee What's this for?

_.dolphin I just saw that we're all mutuals so i put us into a chat (✿ ◕‿◕)

jeno.xx i don't know you guys


_.dolphin do you guys wanna introduce yourselves?

moomin_ no

pwark_ji how do ik y'all are not just some old men

full.sun did you just assume my gender? what if i was a dragon??

pwark_ji okay what if y'all are just some old dragons

full.sun what if you're the old dragon

pwark_ji i'm 17

jeno.xx prove it



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_.dolphin omg you're a whole ass baby

pwark_ji shut up no i'm not

na.jaemin Bruv what you mean

na.jaemin I'm looking at a whole baby rn

jeno.xx i'll go next



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full.sun hey babes the names lee donghyuck i'm 18 so i'm not an old dragon dw

jeno.xx okay ig i'll go next now



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