Pink-Haired, Tsundere Freak

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(Just so you know, this fanfic is from a while ago, but I AM planning on releasing the final chapter soon!)

Natsuki closed her eyes and silently reassured herself. It's fine, Natsuki! All you have to do is tap her on the shoulder and put a cupcake on the desk. It's not hard! Just DO IT!

"Ah, hello, Natsuki. How can I help you?"

Before Natsuki could take action, Yuri was gazing at her and smiling. Her long, dark purple hair gleamed despite the apparent lack of light, and Natsuki found her palms starting to sweat and her pulse quickening. She stared at her purple-haired friend, trying to force words out of her own mouth. "I--Uhh-" she stammered. "I--here!" Natsuki thrust the cupcake at a bewildered Yuri and stalked away.

Great job, Natsuki, she mocked herself as hot tears began to well in her eyes. That'll definitely get Yuri to like you!

"Natsuki wait!" she could hear Monika and Sayori calling after her as she burst through the door of the clubroom, but she ignored them. Stomping through the halls, she then allowed the tears to stream down her cheeks. First she had been rejected by Sayori, a long time ago... surely Yuri would be no different. I'm a freak. A pink-haired, tsundere freak!

She slumped down at a random spot up against the wall, slowly letting herself sink to the ground. Closing her eyes, wishing she hadn't spent hours that morning making the cupcake just right, she wished she had at least brought Parfait Girls so that she wouldn't feel so lonely. Manga always made her feel a little brighter, a little happier, a little less alone; that was part of why she always got so irritated whenever somebody declared that manga wasn't literature.

Suddenly, the sound of loud footsteps echoed through the halls. Quickly wiping her eyes and nose so that whoever it was wouldn't know she had been crying, she looked up to find herself face-to-face with Yuri, cupcake in hand.

Natsuki turned her head away. "Please . . . go away . . ." she whispered, her voice cracking. The tsudere usually wasn't so vulnerable . . . and yet here she was.

Yuri hesitated, then sat down beside her. Her hand brushed Natsuki's as she adjusted herself, and that one brief moment of interaction set Natsuki's heart racing. Wake up. She only came here to tell you how much she hates you, how she never wants to see you again.

"Natsuki, I . . ." Yuri said softly. "I wanted to thank you."

The tsundere's head snapped up. "What? Why?"

"Well, for this cupcake," Yuri explained, smiling. She held it up. "It's so beautiful! I almost don't want to eat it. Almost."

She was right; the cupcake really was beautiful. Natsuki had decorated it with tiny purple sugar flowers. The frosting was a shimmery gold, and the cupcake wrapper flaunted miniature gold hearts against a purple background. Natsuki was actually quite proud of it.

"Well, I'm glad you like it," Natsuki said happily before her tsundere instincts kicked in. "Oh, uh, I mean, I--It's not like I made it for you! I just-" Her cheeks felt as hot as a raging wildfire, and they were probably just as red.

Yuri's eyebrows quirked up. "You didn't make it for me?" she repeated. "But then, who . . .?"

Natsuki's cheeks flushed even more. "I mean, I did," she stammered. "I . . ." So, this is going great.

She sighed. "I'm . . . not really good at . . . expressing m-my . . . my feelings." She took a quick glance at Yuri, who was peering at her steadily.

"I wanted to show how much I care for you," she admitted, lowering her head in embarrassment, "by baking you this cupcake."

A silence followed. Natsuki's head was a whirlpool of taunts and misery. She's never going to like you! Yuri isn't saying anything because she's so nice, she doesn't want to hurt your feelings. Of course she doesn't like you; you were a fool for thinking she could like you. You were a fool for thinking anyone could like you!

Natsuki closed her eyes when the silence became almost unbearable. Get over yourself, Natsuki!

Natsuki cautiously opened one eye to see Yuri taking a large bite out of the cupcake, the wrapper sitting crumpled-up on the floor. Yuri's eyes widened in amazement and awe, and she immediately took another bite.

"Natsuki, I knew you liked to bake, but I had no idea how good you were!" she exclaimed, a new respect for Natsuki in her voice. "This is just spectacular!"

The pink-head blinked, then blushed. She hadn't received praise for her baking very often, much less have it been called "spectacular." She shrugged and crossed her arms. "Yeah, well, whatever," she said, although she was unable to contain her excitement at Yuri complimenting her, and some of it spilled into her voice. As a result, her cheeks burned even more.

Yuri had devoured the cupcake in little more than a minute, and once she had wiped the frosting from her lips, she looked at Natsuki, then the floor. "Oh, goodness," she whispered, her hair covering part of her face, an obvious blush on her cheeks. "I-I'm so sorry . . . I should have offered you some . . . After all, it was your cupcake . . ."

Natsuki shook her head. "No, no, it's fine. I made it for you and only you."

Yuri shyly raised her head, and their eyes locked. Was it just Natsuki? Or was this moment particularly special . . .?

Before Natsuki knew what was happening, Yuri was leaning forward and gently pressing her soft lips against Natsuki's. She closed her eyes and breathed in Yuri's scent of vanilla and strawberries as Yuri cupped the tsundere's face with her hands. This can't be real . . . I'm dreaming . . .

"Hey!" cried a familiar voice. "You shouldn't just leave Monika and I alone so you two can go make out!"

Surprised, Yuri and Natsuki both swiftly turned around to see a beaming Sayori, with Monika right next to her.

"H-hey!" shrieked Natsuki, immediately standing up and putting her hands on her hips. "Y-you can't just sneak up on people like that!!" If Natsuki thought that her face was red before, it was like a tomato now.

"I agree!" said Yuri, also standing up. She still sounded slightly shocked. "You could have stayed in the clubroom until we got back!"

Monika nudged Sayori, her eyes twinkling. "Oh, look, the new couple's ganging up on us," she said teasingly, and Sayori giggled.

"NO!" screeched Natsuki. "WE'RE NOT--"

"Don't lie to us, Nat!" said Sayori cheerfully, patting Natsuki on the head. "We just think you're a cute couple, that's all."

Natsuki's head practically exploded. "DON'T CALL ME--I mean, us--CUTE!!!!"

She turned to look at Yuri, hoping for backup. Instead, Yuri just shrugged and grinned. "Usually I would defend you," she said, "but I must admit you are pretty cute." Natsuki's mouth fell open.

Monika laughed in a friendly way. "Anyway, we just interrupted your little make-out session to tell you that it's time to go home."

"Oh! Yes, I suppose it is," Yuri said, glancing at the watch on her wrist. "Well, time to get going. "Bye. Monika and Sayori--bye, Natsuki." She said the last part with a grin. Yuri hugged Natsuki quickly, then she disappeared down the hall.

Natsuki blushed profusely as Monika wolf-whistled. They all parted ways on their way home, and as Natsuki trudged along silently, she realized that for once, she couldn't wait for the next day at school.

One Cupcake Can Go a Long Way~ A Natsuki x Yuri FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now