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It had been a week since Natsuki had gotten out of the hospital - two weeks since the car accident.

She smiled as her fingers lightly grazed the tall grass and flowers, coming to a stop in front of a particularly pretty yellow wildflower. She plucked it from the ground and held it tightly against her chest as she gazed down at it curiously. The bright afternoon sun made everything here seem cheerful and light. There was a small stream over to her left, and a forest way over to her right. It was perfect.

She turned around to where Yuri was behind her. Her back was turned to Natsuki. Natsuki carefully used her crutches to make her way over to her, and she tucked the wildflower behind the purple-haired girl's ear. Yuri blinked and swiveled around in surprise, touching her ear. When she felt the flower, she grinned sweetly at Natsuki. "Aww, thanks," she said, her smile as bright as the golden sun in the sky.

"You're welcome," Natsuki said, and she returned Yuri's smile. She started walking over to where their picnic blanket was, and Yuri immediately started walking next to her, peering nervously at Natsuki's broken leg.

"Yuri, it's fine. I have crutches," Natsuki reminded her, giving her a feeble smile.

"Yes, I know," Yuri replied, She glanced uneasily around them. "But we're in a meadow. The ground could be uneven, you could slip and fall and get hurt even more and . . ." She trailed off.

"I'm fine."

Yuri just nodded. Natsuki noticed that she still walked right next to her, prepared to catch her if she slipped and fell. This actually made her blush a little. Yuri cares about me . . . a lot.

It had broken Natsuki's heart each time Yuri visited her at the hospital. Yuri's eyes had been red-rimmed and puffy, her hair messy, looking like she'd thrown on whatever clothes she could find. Natsuki knew that Yuri felt responsible for what happened to her - after all, she had been driving the car. But Natsuki knew it was her own fault. If she hadn't made such a quick assumption, if she hadn't run away from Sayori, if she hadn't sat in the middle of that road . . .

Natsuki closed her eyes and blew out a breath. It doesn't make sense to dwell on the past. What happened happened. Just focus on this moment here, now, with Yuri.

When Natsuki opened her eyes again, their picnic blanket was in front of them. Frowning, she cautiously positioned herself so that when she plopped down on the ground, she would land on the blanket. Suddenly, warm hands wrapped around Natsuki's waist, and she gasped. Yuri held the tsundere up easily, grinning at her.

"PUT ME DOWN, BAKA!!" Natsuki screeched, using her crutches to hit Yuri (softly, of course; she didn't want to actually hurt her). Yuri shrugged and sat Natsuki down on the picnic blanket.

She stuck her tongue out at Yuri, her cheeks feeling like they could burn whatever they touched to a crisp, and flung her crutches to her side. "I really didn't appreciate that!" she snapped, but she was smiling.

Yuri just grinned slyly and nodded towards the picnic basket they had brought. "So, what's this special surprise you brought for us?"

Natsuki picked up the basket, reached in, and pulled out a tiny morsel of deliciousness. "Um, it's not really surprising, but . . ."

Yuri's eyes lit up. "The cupcake part isn't surprising, but the mini-cupcake part is!" She paused and beamed at Natsuki. "They're tiny and adorable, just like you!"

Natsuki ripped away some grass from the ground and launched it towards Yuri's face, who giggled and swatted it away. Laughing, Natsuki handed Yuri several mini-cupcakes, then grabbing some for herself. They both sat there for a few minutes, laughing and talking in pure bliss as they ate the baked goods.

Natsuki peered at Yuri's face. The sun was sending bright rays her way, and Yuri's eyes seemed to reflect the light in the sky. Then she looked around the meadow, taking in all the scenery. I want every day to be like this. And maybe I can make every day be like this, simple and free and pure and happy. I just need to focus on the good things, the things that make me happy.

Like baking.

Like nature.

Like Yuri.

Natsuki sighed in content and happiness, looking at the sun. Perfect. All of this is so perfect.

It won't always be perfect, I know. But this is good enough.

And so am I.

One Cupcake Can Go a Long Way~ A Natsuki x Yuri FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now