Sick Day. . .?

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The next day at school, Natsuki had been the first to arrive at the clubroom. This was a first; usually she arrived last, occasionally weighed down by a fresh stack of manga or cupcakes. Today, she had neither. She just couldn't wait to see Yuri again, although she also felt slightly nervous. She sat down in one of the many chairs in the clubroom and started fiddling with her skirt. Okay, I'm way too early, she thought as a minute passed and no one arrived. So, she pulled out a poem she had started and got to work.

Just as she had almost finished her poem, eyebrows furrowed in concentration, both Monika and Sayori showed up. They both appeared surprised to see Natsuki there, and there was a quick flash of movement between the two of them that Natsuki couldn't make out.

"Natsuki!" exclaimed Monika, eyebrows raised. "What are you doing here?"

The tsundere shrugged. "I just came earlier than usual, that's all." Frowning at them, she then snapped, "Why do you two look so surprised? I'm capable of being on time, ya know!"

Sayori smiled at her sweetly. "We know! We're just not used to it, that's all. Anyway," she said, dropping her voice to a whisper, "I think I know the real reason she's early."

Monika's eyes went wide, and she giggled. Natsuki glared at them so fiercely, she was surprised they didn't run away in fear. "W-whatever you're thinking, I bet you're WRONG!" she snarled at them.

"Oh, Natsuki," Sayori said innocently, "we just can't help ourselves! But anyway, I'm sorry--Yuri's sick today. She's absent."

Natsuki felt as if she had just deflated. She had had no way to know this, as she didn't have any classes with Yuri. "Well, so what?" she said grumpily. "Hmph. I don't care."

Monika and Sayori exchanged a symapthetic look. "Except you clearly do," pointed out Monika.

Natsuki grumbled to herself. "I'm going to get my manga," she barked at them. "So you two can just sit here and do whatever, but you better not disturb me!" With that, she stormed off to the closet where she kept her manga. Frowning, she looked around to see that her small box filled with manga sat at the very tippy-top, looking as if it might topple over at the slightest touch. Really, Monika? she thought, annoyed. So, sighing, she stood on the small stool that sat in solidarity and tried to reach for the box of manga. Her fingertips only grazed the box, so she stood on the tips of her toes and tried again, one hand holding onto the shelve for support. Just as she had grasped the box firmly and let out a cry of victory, she was suddenly tumbling backwards, towards the ground...

She closed her eyes, but then she realized that she hadn't fallen onto the hard, solid ground. Natsuki had landed somewhere . . . warm. Looking down, Natsuki saw arms wrapped around her protectively. Then she looked up.

She'd recognize those deep purple eyes and violet hair clip anywhere--it was Yuri, gazing down at her, concerned. "Natsuki! Are you all right?" she asked.

Natsuki shrugged, and her tsundere instincts told her to push away from Yuri, but she stayed there in her arms. "Y-yeah, I'm fine," she said shakily. Suddenly, she turned towards the others, although reluctant to pull away from Yuri. "You told me she was sick!" she screeched, angrily gesturing to Yuri.

Before the others could reply, Natsuki felt a gentle hand on her shoulder. "Natsuki, I was sick," Yuri said calmly. "I was able to convince my mother to let me come to the Lierature Club anyway." She smiled shyly. "I really wanted to see you all."

"Oh," Natsuki said, feeling breathless. Her conscience told her she should apologize to the girls, but somehow she couldn't. She felt her cheeks flush in embarrassment and put her hands on her hips as a sort of defense. "Well, okay," she said.

"Well! Now that all that's settled, let's share some poems!" Monika announced. They all found someone else to share their poems with. Natsuki ended up being with Yuri, as Sayori had immediately gone to share with Monika.

"Well, hello again," Yuri said quietly.

Natsuki gave a small smile. "Hey," she said. "Anyway--you want to go first?"

"Are you sure you don't want to?" questioned Yuri. Natsuki shook her head, so Yuri began to read aloud.

Natsuki listened in awe as Yuri read. Her poems were so extravagant and mysterious--Natsuki never knew what to make of them. All she knew was that they sounded beautiful and wonderful, even if she couldn't understand them. Maybe she could ask Yuri about it later. Once Yuri finished, Natsuki jumped in with her poem, and then once all the girls had shared, the club meeting was over.

"See ya!" said Sayori cheerfully, and she left with Monika, busily chatting to each other as they walked. Did they do that on purpose, so that Yuri and I would be alone together? Natsuki thought. She knew she should be appalled, but she also felt kind of grateful to them for doing it. After packing up her things, she took a deep breath and slowly approached Yuri, who had her back turned to her.

"Um--hey," Natsuki said, only slightly awkwardly. Yuri turned to face her, a small smile on her face.

"Hello," she said.

"Um--I just wanted to, uh, thank you. For, y'know. Catching me."

Natsuki wanted to cringe at her own words. How could things get any more awkward?

"Oh! Ah, it was nothing." Yuri said, sounding happy. "I was happy to help. Next time, I could get your manga. I think my height is enough to reach it."

Natsuki glared at her. "What, are you saying I'm so short I can barely reach anything, baka?!"

Yuri giggled, amused. "I'm sorry," she said. "I didn't mean to laugh. It's just--well, your words, not mine."

"Hmph!" Natsuki said, twirling around towards the door to leave.


Natsuki turned around. "What?"

Yuri clasped her hands together, looking shyer (and cuter) than ever. "Well . . . I was thinking we could go out sometime soon. Someplace such as the park, the carnival. . . .?"

Natsuki's heart raced. Was Yuri really asking her out . . . ?

"Uh . . . uh . . ." she stuttered, her usual annoyance and grumpiness no longer there. She felt her eyes grow wide, and she tried very hard to make her expression go back to its normal I-don't-care state. "Well . . . uh . . . why not?" she finally uttered.

Yuri let an almost relieved smile stretch across her face. "Good," she said warmly. She pulled a small scrap of paper almost out of thin air and handed it to Natsuki.

Confused, Natsuki glanced down at it. "What-?"

"My address," Yuri explained. "Would you rather come over today, or tomorrow?"

Natsuki couldn't do anything except blink. Somehow, she was able to get the word "today" out of her mouth.

"Good! Come over anytime you like," said Yuri, and then she was gone.

After Natsuki was sure Yuri had gone, she couldn't help but let out a loud "YES!!!"

One Cupcake Can Go a Long Way~ A Natsuki x Yuri FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now