𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙸𝚗𝚏𝚒𝚕𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗

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I was all dolled up and ready. Suzue was really an ace at stuff like this.

"This is perfect! It looks so good on you!" she cheered, a wide grin plastered on her face. She froze and started to rummage the pile of clothes behind her quickly, like she was looking for something.

"Sorry, I almost forgot this," she said sheepishly, handing me a pair of earrings.

They were transparent. Diamonds? I doubted it. But after all, they are super rich.

"Thanks, Suzue," I said with a smile, putting the earrings on.

Gondawara-gumi Drug Party, 9:32p.m.
I was let into the building, where a bouncer handed me a mask. Phase one, get in the building, had already been completed.

Brr. Brr.

What was that? I looked around, but I couldn't find the source of the sound.

"Sora, can you hear me?"

Oh, it couldn't be. Not him again. Of course the earrings were a communication device. I should've known.

"Sora, please respond. Now."

"Yes... I can hear you," I said in a low voice.

"Good. Now I need you to find the leader of the Gondawara-gumi."

"Got it."

I walked around the room, trying to find him.

The lights made it harder to recognise anyone, but I was sure I could make out some features.

"What the hell are you doing here," I heard a low whisper near my ear.

I tried to turn around but the person gripped my hand tightly, restricting my movement.

Wait... I recognise that voice...

"Hoshino?" I tried to stay as quiet as possible.

He stayed quiet and stood still.

I had no time. I needed to finish the task quickly.

Using all the energy I had, I swung my arms backwards and made Hoshino land on the floor with a thud.

"Kato! Look what you did!" Hoshino lashed out.

Shit. There was a crowd now.

Our struggle got noticed by a bunch of guests and the security.

Taking me by surprise, he got up and pressed himself against me and gestured for me to stay quiet.

"Wait until they look away," Hoshino's hot breath touched my ear.

My breath was hitching as Hoshino kept himself as close to me as possible.

Was he trying to make them think we were making out?!

"They're gone now," I whispered in his ear when I saw the crowd die down.

He stepped back and looked at me sheepishly in the eye, "What are you doing here?"

"Uhm, working?" I replied in a sarcastic manner.

"This is my case, Kato," he insisted firmly.

I rolled my eyes and pushed past him, determined to complete my task.

"Sora, have you gotten anything yet?"

Great. Daisuke again.

"Almost, give me 15 more minutes," I mumbled.

Hoshino walked next to me, set on following me wherever I went.

"Two heads are better than one anyways," he said with a frown.

Bingo. The target had been located.

I made sure Hoshino took note of it too.

Stealthily, I snatched his phone as soon as he took his eyes off of it.

Success was imminent. I just had to leave the building.

"Stop!" a man yelled out.

Hoshino and I turned around instinctively to see the bouncer glaring at us.

"Hand over the things you stole," he said firmly.

Shoot. He must have seen us.

"Let's make a run for it, follow me on cue," I told Hoshino.

1... 2... 3...!

I dashed towards the staircase, remembering what Suzue had told me.

"Remember if you ever need help or if something happens, run straight to the roof. Don't go anywhere, just go to the roof, got it?"

"I see that you're on the roof." the earrings started to shake as he talked.

"I attracted a... commotion," I said to Daisuke.

"I'll take care of it."

It went silent and I didn't hear anything from Daisuke for a solid minute.

Hoshino's eyes widened in fear.

Was something behind me?

I recognised that. That... surname.

It was Daisuke's helicopter. Flying right towards us.

"Watch out, Sora."

Everything faded into black and I soon lost consciousness.

I squirmed around, finding myself in the comfort of bed sheets again.

"So... soft..."

I blinked until I finally felt awake. But, I didn't know where I was. I sat up, startled.

"Good morning, Sora."

That familiar voice!

Daisuke's familiar blue eyes stared back at me as he sipped his tea, his legs crossed over each other.

Then, it hit me.

I was in his house.

Word count: 749

A/n: Sorry for abnormal uploads! I'll try to keep to the schedule from now on! 💞

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