"I found myself wanting to be around this girl until I can no longer stand being without her."
After Elaria's parents died and left her with her sister at the werewolf castle, they are punished for their parent's crimes. Elaria becomes a maid for...
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I smile innocently at the peaceful Westlee sleeping on the sofa. He's actually more of a gentleman than he gives himself credit for. It was currently five in the morning and I needed to get home to shower and change not to mention I had to make breakfast for Dixie before she was off for school. Slipping out of the hoodie, I was sad because it was much more comfortable and the walk home would be freezing since it was chilly with the rainfall last night. I slipped on my shoes quietly, looking at a sleeping Westlee with his mouth slightly open as he let out small snores before quietly leaving his bedroom.
Not watching where I was going, I accidentally walked into someone. "Shit," I cursed, rubbing my forehead. "Miss Kennedy, I didn't think West would get into your pants that easily," Prince Grayson smirked, looking down at me. He just saw me come out of the bedroom so I bet this looks worse than it even was. "It's not what it looks like and none of what you're thinking happened, get your mind out of the gutters your highness," I joked to lighten the tension. I was shocked he was even up at this early time. "Where are you coming from?" I asked, genuinely curious.
"I went on a run to clear my head," he sighed before his lips tugged in a smile, "Please, Elaria. We've known each other long enough. You can call me Grayson," the prince laughed before telling me. I tried to hide my shock, clearly not expecting Grayson Spade to ever tell me to not call him anything royally. "Okay, well um, I have to go," I mumbled, walking away. "Bye, Elaria," I hear him call but I was too far away by then to even reply. I wasn't in the mood to shout like he was. Pulling my Jersey closer to my body, I walked out into the cold air.
Sighing in relief as I sat down on the kitchen counter. Yes, I tell Dixie not to sit on the countertop but there is something about the countertop that is better than sitting on an actual chair. My eyes wandered around the almost dark kitchen, I reminded myself I needed to grocery shopping.
Dixie has school in two hours and I have work in three. Amazing. Deciding to be productive, I quietly pulled out the things to make pancakes from scratch since I no longer had the box mix. Like I said, I needed to go grocery shopping. I haven't eaten since the popcorn and M&Ms with Westlee so I grabbed an apple from the stack too much on.
While mixing the batter, I carelessly threw the apple core into the bin, only to freeze over the bin.
Is that...
I brought my face closer to the bin and it was, just like I thought, a used condom. I shudder and moved away. Wishing I didn't see it because that only meant one other thing since I was nowhere near sexually active.
Even my little sister gets more action than me.
"Where were you yesterday? If you told mind me asking," Dixie asked as we sat down on the breakfast table. "I fell asleep in Westlee's room," I shrugged truthfully. The fork in her hand slipped and I look at her to see her eyes widened. "Westlee? The airport guy?" She gasped. I now realized that I didn't tell her about him mysteriously being at the castle since we arrived back. "Yeah, apparently he is friends with the prince so he stays over there, we bicker sometimes I guess," I brushed off once again although it was more than Westlee's bickering.
Dixie wiggled her eyebrows suggestively at me. "Is Westlee gonna be my brother-in-law?" She smirked. My eyes widened," no, I know nothing about him," I frowned at the truth. It was true, Westlee slowly learned the simple things about me during our mindless chatter but I was cautious around the questions about me being in the pack. All he knew is that I was in the royal pack all my life. I too knew some crazy things about him like his love of popcorn and barbie movies, which was crazy finding out, he loves cookies, would eat basically anything with barbecue sauce on it. I've learned that he was not a family person and he is very closed off at times. I knew nothing about his intentions or what he was even doing at the castle.
He is rarely with Prince Grayson so was there more than he was telling me?
"So what is he then? Friend? Potential boyfriend?" She asked, prying into my business with Westlee. I don't blame her since I've never had many encounters with a boy in a long while besides Cody. "I don't even know if you can say, friend," I sighed. As I said, I didn't know his intentions and it scared me but for once I decided to go with the flow.
Focusing back on the main thing I had to ask her about, I changed the topic before she could even say anything. "So what did you do yesterday?" I asked Dixie, trying not to show that I knew something. She shrugged her shoulders before answering," television, homework, food..." she trailed off. I nodded," have sex?" I added it to the list. Her eyes widened as she stared at me. "W-what are you talking about?" She innocently asked softly. "Who did you bring over to my apartment?" I asked her seriously but continued eating the pancakes. I'm surprised they actually turned out this good.
"What are you talking about? I was alone," she lied, faking her confusion. I rolled my eyes, dropping the fork and leaning back into my chair. "I found the condom in the bin, at least I'm glad you're using protection," I scoffed at the end. She froze a bit, shifting in the chair. "I'm surprised you even know what a condom is," she admitted rudely as if accusing me of something. I raise my eyebrow at her," what's that supposed to mean?"
"It means that you're simply a prude, you never went on a date, you never had a boyfriend before and even worse your first kiss. Not to mention you're a twenty-year-old virgin so sue me for having something exciting in my life," my sister spoke and my jaw felt loose as I stared at her. Wow. That actually hurt. "Don't turn this around on me, Dixie. Who is he?" I asked calmly. She stared at me blankly as she replied," none of your business. Now stay out of my sex life, prude," she scoffed, standing up from the chair leaving her half-eaten pancakes," you should stop hanging out with Westlee, don't get his hopes up before he wants to rape you," she spoke as she left the kitchen.