"I found myself wanting to be around this girl until I can no longer stand being without her."
After Elaria's parents died and left her with her sister at the werewolf castle, they are punished for their parent's crimes. Elaria becomes a maid for...
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"Alright, I'm gonna go," I announced, wiping my hands on the towel. Westlee pouted from where he was leaning on the counter talking to me while I washed up our dishes from breakfast. "Can I walk you home?" He hesitantly asked, probably assuming that I already said no. "Please? I was planning on going for a shift anyway," he begged. I sighed and nodded going with the part that wanted me to scream yes all along.
"Sure," I smiled. We both walked to the front where Dixie was waiting. "Ready?" I asked her, opening the door. "Uh, yeah," she awkwardly answered with her eyes on Westlee but quickly looked away. For the entire fifteen minutes of walking home, those two kept talking and laughing. I joined in on the actually funny things. It's good seeing them getting along because I didn't want there to be problems.
Finally, we were in front of my apartment door, Dixie had already gone in. "What time do you leave in the mornings?" He asked. "Nine, sometimes eight," I shrugged, my days are different. "What are you gonna do for the rest of the day?" I thought about it and groaned when I remembered the assignments I had to do and were due very soon. "Schoolwork, I need to be a good student," I sighed. That made Westlee laugh for some reason. "Well, good luck with that. I'll see you tomorrow?" He suggested, walking backward to the exit. "Yes," I assured him before walking into my apartment and shutting the door behind me.
"The plates need to be put away!" Dixie ordered from the kitchen. I groaned and pulled myself off the door before making my way into the kitchen. She was leaning against the counter with an apple in her hand. "What's going on between you and Westlee?" Dixie suspiciously asked. I knew this question was coming. I just didn't think she would ask two minutes after he left. "You don't get to ask that question," I say in reply, putting away the plates in their rightful places. "Ouch..." she mumbled. "Sorry, nothing actually. We're just two people that enjoy each other's company I guess," I sighed, still confused over Westlee and I's friendship. "Right," she dragged, throwing the core into the bin, dropping the subject as she walked out of the kitchen.
Rubbing my eyes to try to get the sleep out of them, I pulled open the front door. "Who is it?" Dixie asked from the kitchen as I stared shocked at the person standing in front of me. "What are you doing here?" I bluntly asked. He raised the tray with two coffees," I brought you coffee!" he cheered. Westlee was way too excited for this very early morning. "I heard coffee," Dixie joins us, pulling the door further to reveal Westlee. "Yes one is for you," he says and Dixie gladly accepted a coffee. "Please take it," his eyes darted to mine. I huffed, rolling my eyes and taking the coffee. I noticed he already had another one in his hand.
We both walked back into our apartment with Westlee walking behind us. "You never answered my question," I say, taking a sip of the delicious and hot drink. "Well, I thought that I would bring you coffee and walk you to work," he shrugged. I bite my lip, trying to stop myself from smiling or blushing.