"I found myself wanting to be around this girl until I can no longer stand being without her."
After Elaria's parents died and left her with her sister at the werewolf castle, they are punished for their parent's crimes. Elaria becomes a maid for...
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I was pacing around the cabin all evening, deciding if I should text him or not. The more I thought about the whole messed up situation I wanted to know why.
Why he did what he did.
It was taunting me, it was on my mind every single minute of the day. I thought of all the options. All the possible reasons as to why it happened and even that were driving me insane. Even staring at his contact information on my phone had my nerves high. I immediately changed it right away.
Scew it.
Groaning, I pulled up his contact and messaged him.
Grayson: We should talk. I'm at the cabin.
After sending the message, I threw it onto the carpet before storming outside.
Five minutes of sitting on the wooden stairs of the porch, I heard the faint noise of a whine. My eyes snapped to the wolf coming out of the trees. His belly was rising and falling as he walked towards me. He got here quickly. There was something wrapped around his foot and I'm assuming it's his clothes.
The brown wolf whimpered when he saw my sad expression when he was in front of me. My heart clenched for him. I raised both of my hands to cup his large face. Both of our eyes shut as I pressed a kiss between his eyes. His eyes opened with excitement, he licked the side of my face before running off behind the cabin.
I sighed, running my hands through my hair. Why the hell did I do that?
"Hi," Grayson piped up. I cautiously watched him in his shirtless glory as he sat down next to me. "Are you ready for me to talk?" He hesitantly asked, looking at me but I kept my eyes on the trees. "Yes," I answered and heard him sigh.
"I never meant to hurt you, Elaria but me pretending to be Westlee is bigger than us," he started and my eyes snapped to him. "Then tell me, please!" I shouted at him. Grayson ran his hand through his hair before sighing again.
"Everyone thinks that the royal family is a perfect family. Everyone thinks that they know what happens but no one knows what happens when the doors are locked. I'm going to ruin your image over my father, but I need to tell you this. I never wanted to be the king. I never even wanted to be the bloody prince. I hated myself, I hated my life and I hated my father for pushing me to do things I didn't want to do. But that wasn't the only reason I hated him.
He...he used to abuse my mother. Over and over. Every single night. She was his rag doll. God alone knows how many times I heard her screaming for him to stop raping her. I couldn't help her growing up, I couldn't stop him because I was too weak and little.
The only person who knew about everything was Westlee. It was ironic. The prince's best friend was a rescue rogue. Because of him not having a rank, our friendship was sort of a secret and we didn't mind because both of us didn't like attention.
Probably, when I was nine my mother told me that he stopped hitting her and they were mending their relationship. She told me that she loved him and he promised to never hurt her again. I was a foolish child so I believed her.
Four years later, I saw him hit her again. That's when I held enough to do something and I broke them away. Sure, he beat me instead but that's alright. I finally saved my mother. That night, my mother and I showered together, washing away each other's blood. I saw them all. I saw all the scars and marks she hid behind makeup all those years.
I felt hurt and betrayed. Everything was so overwhelming and I knew I didn't deserve to be feeling this way. I was thirteen and felt like I was eighteen. That night, I told my mother that I couldn't do it anymore. She said that she never wanted that night to repeat. She helped me escape. She was the one who helped me and Westlee dye our hairs before I left.
Westlee was supportive, he was elated that he could finally get his dream wish. To feel loved for and cared for. I don't know how he did it but he got my father to stop hitting her foreal. He also got a mother figure which he never had before.
Before I left we made a deal that before my twenty-third birthday I would return and take my place as king. Anyway, I left. I couldn't take it anymore, I couldn't take my mother lying to me, my father's nagging, the overwhelming feeling of becoming king, I just didn't want it anymore. But someone did. Someone who truly wanted to be a royal. Someone who never knew what wealth and power felt like and would die to know how it truly felt like.
I lived with Westlee's older sister on the low, no one knew besides Westlee. I worked at so many places to survive. Car washes, cinemas, diners, cafes, repair places. It was worth it because I would have done anything to get out of that place but that wasn't the only purpose. After a while, I became addicted to freedom and I couldn't let it go.
"So when Westlee tracked me down in Mexico and told me to get my ass on a plane, I didn't have a choice because I made a promise. Over the ten years, I sort of hope that he would forget about that deal but the bastard didn't. However, now I'm really bloody thankful he found me and brought me here because I met a girl.
I met a girl that I was attracted to since I first saw her. I met a girl who was so caring and kind, who was sweet and vulnerable. All I wanted to do with this girl was hold her and protect her from all the bad the world had to offer. And you wouldn't believe how weak in my knees she makes me when I look into her beautiful doe eyes. I swear sometimes all I want to do is throw her on a bed and fuck the daylights out of her.
But I held my patience with her and I couldn't stop being around her. It was like every bone in my body ached just to be around her. I never meant to hurt her but I never meant to love her either."
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