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Julia: fuck i miss you already

Dom: i miss YOU

Dom: i didn't wanna say it because i didn't want to sound annoying because we've literally seen each other every day for the past 4 days or something

Dom: but i fucking miss you i'm sad

Julia: me too :(

Julia: i COULDDD come over to your house again and tell my mum i'm seeing becca again?

Dom: :)

Julia: is that a yes

Julia: WAIT NO ACTUALLY i'm home alone tomorrow so you could also come to mine if you want

Julia: if you don't have rehearsal or something

Dom: i do but they're in the afternoon

Dom: you mean as in i sleep over at your house, right?

Julia: yeah

Dom: yeah i'd love that

Dom: i fucking missed your house

Julia: you're really gonna say you missed everything that has to do with me BUT me huh?

Julia: first my lips, now my house


Julia: i know hahaha i was joking

Dom: 😡😡

Dom: apparently me being sick for months is not enough for ma'am michaels to realize i fucking missed her

Julia: i realize that honey dw

Julia: i missed you too

Dom: sure sure

Julia: apparently me kissing you the NIGHT i broke up with my gf isn't enough for mister harrison to realize i fucking missed him

Dom: oh you're gonna mock me now?

Julia: what about it?

Dom: just..

Dom: i can bully you too and you fucking know that

Julia: oh someone is threatening me?

Dom: yes i do because you're annoying

Julia: okay then :(

Dom: jk

Julia: :(


Julia: okay mister 'i'm playing all bad boy until julia gets sad and i get overprotective and feel sorry'

Dom: damn that's a long name

Julia: it's mister criminal for short


Julia: :))))

Dom: i'm gonna beat the shit out of you tomorrow

Julia: oh damn

Julia: imagine what would happen if i would show my mum that text without any further context

Dom: omg

Dom: i think i'd be dead

Julia: i'm pretty sure

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