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Faith Micah Harrison.

A beautiful boy that had Julia's blue eyes and Dom's brown hair. He was small, as he was born three weeks early. But everything about him was healthy and everything finally felt right.

They both knew Faith could be seen as a girl's name by some, but Dom and Julia still decided to give it to their boy, because it was a name that fit them and what they had been through perfectly.

They did give the baby a second name on purpose, though, so the boy could use it if Faith didn't feel right to him.

It had been a long trip to the baby being there, but they made it. Together, which now meant the three of them.

The three of them in their brand new apartment in London, which was a good safe place for all of them and perfect for Dom to do his job which he had picked up again, finally, after a long period of therapy.

"Is he still sleeping? Let me see the camera."

Dom held out his hands waiting for Julia to give him her phone so he could see Faith on the camera they had installed in his bedroom. Julia rolled her eyes and turned her phone away from him instead.

"Honey, he has been sleeping for only an hour now. Please enjoy the silence while you can."

Dom pouted while looking at her and fell back against the pillow that was set up against the headboard of the bed.

"I just miss my boy."

During the pregnancy Dom had been practically begging for a girl, but once they found out it was a boy he completely fell in love with him instead. Julia knew Dom would be Faith's best friend eventually.

"And I miss about three days of sleep," Julia joked with him, making him giggle and move over so he could press his body against hers.

"Me too but that's fine," Dom mumbled to her, pulling her a little closer. "Do you wanna sleep now?"

Julia just hummed as an answer which wasn't a yes nor a no, but she laid her head on his chest and closed her eyes when he started stroking her hair with both of his hands.


"Yes bub?"

Julia waited before she spoke again and opened her eyes so she could stare at an unknown point while she was deep into her thoughts.

"I just hate how Faith will have no grandparents who can take care of him except my dad."

In the past months Julia had slowly started to accept the fact that she had no contact with her mom anymore, up until the point where she thought she didn't care about it any longer.

That was until she got Faith and there were only three people who came to see him, because Dom didn't speak to his parents anymore either. The realization broke her heart in tiny little pieces and she hadn't really healed from that yet.

"We did talk about this already baby," Dom told her. Julia closed her eyes yet again when she heard his soft voice calling her baby, which would never not make her feel a certain kind of way. Dom pressed his lips on her blonde hair and stroked his fingers through it.

"Faith has you and me and he'll love your dad. He will never lack any love, I promise."

Julia looked up at Dom shortly, just to meet his green eyes that had big bags underneath them but still radiated so much more happiness than they did months ago. She knew how happy he was right now, and she tried so hard to feel the same and accept things, but it wasn't that easy.

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