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"Don't open your eyes. Keep them closed."

"I can't even see anything, your hand is literally in front of my eyes."

Julia tried hard not to stumble with every step she took as Dom was leading her to their new apartment, covering her eyes so it would be a surprise for her.

He obviously had a hard time leading her through the hallway and making sure his hands were in front of her eyes at the same time.

"This is our apartment," Dom mumbled, more to himself. He stopped her from walking and let her arm go so he could put the keys in the lock.

Julia heard the lock clicking and the door open a moment later. Dom made sure to keep it open while walking her through the doorway.

"Are you ready?" he asked her. He was obviously smiling which she could hear in his voice. Julia smiled with him and nodded.

"Show me."

Dom slowly took his hand away from her face and Julia opened her eyes, adjusting to the light for a moment before looking around.

They were standing in a big, modern apartment with big windows at the other side, looking over the city. It had a light brown wooden floor and lots of plants which immediately gave Julia a warm feeling. Next to the big windows was a king size bed with white sheets, perfectly made.

On the left of where the were standing was the kitchen that was shielded by more plants and wood. On the other side were a few doors that were closed, which probably lead to the bathroom and toilet, maybe closet.

"It's so pretty," Julia breathed out in awe while continuing to scan her eyes over the room.

"It is," Dom agreed, walking further into the room to the suitcase that was next to the king size bed. His friend, Adam, had brought their stuff to the apartment earlier that day so Julia and Dom could go to a quick emergency meeting Dom had, about moving and performing.

"It looks so..." Julia trailed off, walking to a plant hanging on the wall, touching it to see if it was real.

"It looks expensive Dom."

"Don't worry about it. It's Adam's old apartment. I could rent it for just half the price," Dom shrugged, letting himself fall down on the big bed, looking up at the white ceiling. Julia walked over to the bed as well and sat down next to him.

"I wanna pay at least half of the price you're paying," she insisted. Dom sat up to be on her level and shook his head.

"You don't have to, honey. I got it."

"You let me stay in your house for weeks in Doncaster," she argued with him. "I'm not letting you pay alone for a house we both live in."

"It's alright," he said seriously. "I got you in so much trouble. This is how I-"

"Stop saying that," Julia cut him off as she turned her head towards him. "Really, stop saying that."

"But it's true."

"It's not!" Julia raised her voice and Dom was obviously taken aback by it. "I got myself in trouble! How many times do I need to tell you that?!"

Dom shrugged and he already inhaled to answer her, but Julia was first.

"I'm capable of making my own fucking decisions! This isn't just me following you for fun, if you haven't noticed! I chose this because I fucking wanted this and I love you! I wanted to move in with you because I really fucking love you! I fucking know what I'm doing, okay?!"

doncaster city lights II | YUNGBLUDWhere stories live. Discover now