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Julia: hey mom i'm 10 minutes away from home

Mom: Good to know. Did everything go well?

Julia: yeah. all safe.

Mom: Good. See you in 10.


She had acted all tough during her conversation over chat with Dom before her flight, but in reality she had been crying her eyes out the entire time. And ever since then she hadn't been able to stop herself from crying, although she wasn't bawling anymore.

It got bad at the airport, though. So bad that people had called a doctor on her who took her to a nursing room. They had tried to calm her down for at least thirty minutes but nothing worked. So at the end they just brought her back to a silent place at the airport and sat with her until she was crying less. It was hard having no one with her to calm her down, which would normally be Dom.

But she managed to pull through and eventually got on the flight on her own. With her hoodie on and a movie playing on the screen she successfully made everyone around her believe that nothing was wrong with her, while in fact she could feel her chest hurting the entire flight. It even caused her to have trouble breathing.

But she did it, and now she was walking to her own home. Ready to live with her mom and sisters again like the past months never even happened. Everything felt like it was before she got back together with Dom.

She hated it though, but she had to accept it sooner or later.

There was no way Dom could reach her, as she had blocked him on every possible platform. It felt peaceful in a way; knowing she wouldn't have to fight with him again.

As she walked into her street, another tear rolled down her cheek. It didn't even faze her anymore, she just let it roll. As soon as she approached the house she slowly wiped it away with her soaked sleeve. She wanted to at least look a little tough for her family.

That mindset failed miserably. As soon as she had rung the doorbell and Senna opened the door, her eyes sad because she knew what happened, Julia broke down again.

Her sister's arms wrapped around her body tightly, making Julia let go of her suitcase and bags. Her head fell down on Senna's shoulder as her tears melted into the black sweater her sister was wearing.

"I'm so sorry," Senna whispered. It made Julia feel so powerless to be having her little sister comfort her like that, but she needed it right now. She just needed anyone, and she was happy it could be one of her favorite persons in the world, no matter how embarrassing it was that she had to be calmed down by someone years younger than she was.

"He's a fucking dick. All men are fucking dicks."

Julia couldn't help but let out a chuckle. "You say that because you're gay," she told her sister while a small smile formed on her face. She knew Senna smiled as well.

"No," she denied. "Maybe, yes. But also because it's true."

"I just trusted him," Julia said sadly as her smile slowly faded away.

Senna nodded. "Even I did. I'm so sorry he broke that trust."

"I just... I don't think I've ever been so in love and I will never-"

Julia broke down yet again, making her sister hug her a little tighter.

"You will find someone e-"

They got caught off by someone running towards them. By the tiny footsteps on the floor Julia knew who it was. She broke the hug with Senna gently just to crouch down and open her arms, letting the other girl run into them.

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