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"Just don't show her your new phone so she won't take it away and you can always text me, yeah?"

Dom was holding Julia's face with both of his hands and she couldn't stop her eyes from shortly going down to his lips before she locked eyes again.

"I really can't stay here?" Julia tried, even though it was the fourth time she asked. He shook his head and planted a kiss on her nose.

"I have to go to therapy anyway. And your mom is gonna call the police on you if you don't let her know you're alive real quick."

"I want to be there for you after therapy, though," Julia told him sadly, and she heard him chuckle when she pouted.

He softly stroke his fingers over her cheeks as he kept holding her face, just a few centimeters away from his.

"I'll text you. Go let your mom know you're not dead," he said, cupping her cheek.

Julia groaned but eventually smiled. She made eye contact with him and stared as long into his eyes as she could until he knew she was just waiting for him to kiss her. So he did, and he held his lips on hers for a little longer than three seconds.

"Tell her I said hi," he joked as soon as he pulled away.

Julia laughed and pushed him away from her, shaking her head. "Do you still wanna see me or not?"

He sticked out his tongue, giving her no answer but his face said enough. They both had put their jackets on already as they were ready to go. It had taken Dom at least twenty minutes to convince Julia to go home again, though, but he got his way like he always did.

She knew he was right though, when he told her she would get in deeper trouble if she stayed at his house for longer. And once he used the argument that Sofia was probably worried and sad too, Julia was convinced.

So Dom was already walking to the front door, ready to drive her home, when Julia stopped in the middle of the hallway.


He hummed and turned around, raising his eyebrow. He was playing with his car keys, circling them around his thumb.

"Do you wanna be my boyfriend again?"

Dom immediately stopped moving the keys around his finger and just looked at her with his mouth slightly parted before he spoke.

"I- I mean, you know I'd love to Jules but isn't it still fast and- and complicated for you?"

Julia shrugged and fidgeted with her fingers as she silently said "maybe, but I just like you a whole fucking lot and I just want to... be your girlfriend I guess."

Although she didn't look at him, she heard Dom chuckle softly. He let go of the doorknob to walk back to where she was standing still and gently laid his left, free hand on her cheek.

"You can be. Of course you can be," he told her and he smiled so wide that Julia would've known he was smiling like that even if she wasn't looking at him right now. She could hear it in his voice so well.

"Okay," Julia simply said, leaning into his hand a little, making him move him thumb up and down. He giggled, which made her stomach turn for the fiftieth time. That feeling was exactly the reason why she just wanted him to be her boyfriend. Of course it would be complicated, but they both had enough experience with complicated things.


The worst thing about going home wasn't even the fact that she left Dom and she didn't know when she was going to see him again, but it was the fact that she had to ring the doorbell since she didn't have the keys. And she had to wait until her mother opened the door.

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