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Julia could barely stand straight anymore by the time she had packed all her stuff, ready to leave the apartment before Dom would be there. Her mind was an absolute mess, every single message that had been sent to her that day replaying in her head. There was too much evidence for them to be fake. The messages from Ashley confirmed it for her. It could be no one else. No one else knew about the pictures and had her number.

And even Tom said they looked too real.

It all made too much sense, even though it hurt.

She didn't even want to talk to Dom about it, knowing how easy it was for him to change her mind. That was the reason she had packed all her stuff within fifteen minutes, although she couldn't stop herself from crying and freaking out, and she left the apartment before he could get there. Leaving nothing behind for him.

She knew he'd text her later on, but that was easier. She could do that, at least she hoped.

So while still being a total mess and her cheeks were red from the stains of tears, she walked out of the building she had been living in for months. It hurt, to leave something that felt safe to her. But it hurt more to keep something that wasn't fair to her in the end.

So there she was, getting into the taxi she had immediately called so it would be ready to drive her to the airport as soon as possible. Everything to avoid Dom.

The taxi driver obviously saw her tears, but never asked her anything. He was the first one who could make her smile a little bit, though, just by asking what her favorite song was so he could put it on. It felt like someone she didn't even know cared more about her than Dom apparently did.

She tipped him extra once they arrived, and the driver quickly rubbed her arm probably as comfort. A small gesture that made her feel so much better. Just knowing that he cared.

From then she was alone, surrounded by people she had never seen before. Her flight to Doncaster was in eight hours, which meant she had to manage to entertain herself for a long time. It was scary, but she just wanted that specific flight. She just wanted to go home, although she had no one there.

She had an idea, though. As soon as she found a good spot where she could calm down and be left alone, she opened her phone to text her mom, ignoring everything else that was going on on her phone right now.


Julia: hey mom. i'm coming back home. i'll explain the reason to you later but for now, can i please please stay with you? you don't have to talk to me. i just need a place to stay.

Mom: You're coming home?

Julia: yes. my flight is in eight hours.

Mom: So you'll be here tomorrow.

Julia: yeah

Mom: You can stay. I already told you I want to do something back because I made mistakes in the past. You're my daughter after all. I shouldn't have kicked you out.

Julia: thank you so so much

Mom: Did you and Dom break up?

Julia: as i said i'll tell you later. i kinda don't wanna talk about it right now.

Mom: Okay.

Mom: Whatever, it's ok. You can stay. I used your room to place my stuff, though. You can stay in Senna's room.

Julia: that's something we'll figure out later. can i text you when i landed?

Mom: You can. Be safe.

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