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Julia had somehow managed to push his head off her lap to lay down and have him sleeping on her chest instead.

It was cold, maybe because the jacket Julia had been wearing was around Dom's shoulders now because she had seen him shiver a few times and it concerned her a little.

He seemed much more relaxed now he was sleeping; every now and then she looked down at his face just to scan her eyes over his relaxed, still tear-stained face. She just watched how his eyelashes brushed over his cheekbones and his lips were a little parted as always.

It felt peaceful for a moment, just for an hour. For an hour they were just laying there together on their favorite spot in town, Julia waiting for Dom to wake up even though he wouldn't wake up soon. She was absolutely freezing, but she hadn't felt so safe in months. Just because she was with Dom and she knew she was keeping him safe and that maybe they would be alright after all.

Though, Julia's heart started to immediately pick up its pace when she felt Dom moving and she looked down to see how his eyes were moving too. It took him only a few seconds to open them.

She was unable to see the crystal green color of his eyes due to the darkness, but she could see how Dom was first frowning confusedly once he had his eyes open, before he looked up at Julia to meet her eyes. He widened his eyes immediately and gasped silently.

"Hey," she whispered at him. Her hand had been in his hair the entire time as she was playing with it, and she continued running her fingers through it.

Dom kept his eyes widen and quickly pushed himself up, the jacket around his shoulders falling off of him exposing his thin bare arms. Julia pushed herself up as well so she could keep eye contact, leaning on her elbows.

"It's alright, take a breath," she told him as she watched how he slowly started panicking. She didn't try to pull him back yet though, not sure of how he was feeling right now.

"Why are you- Am I- No I-" he stuttered confusedly, looking on and off at Julia and the exact spot he had been sitting at earlier.

"Do you remember what happened right before you fell asleep?" she asked him, hoping it would help him clear his mind.

"I- I'm dead," he said as an answer, leaving Julia confused.

"You aren't."

"I am," he maintained, backing up more so that his body wasn't even touching hers anymore. "I have to be."

Julia never took her eyes off of him, making sure he wouldn't crawl back too far.

"You aren't."

Every time she told him he wasn't, he seemed to start freaking out more. As if he was slowly facing reality. He ran his hand, that was already shaking despite from just waking up, through his hair and bit his nails.

"I have- I have to be."

Julia shook her head in response. "You aren't, and I'm glad you're not,' she told him for the third time. It made him freak out a little more yet again.

"I fucking need to be! I don't wanna be alive!" Dom talked back, raising his voice. The way his loud voice echoed over the hills, repeating his last words over and over again made Julia's chest ache. She had hoped he would be okay after waking up.

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